General Oracles Study Group: Week 14


It's Week Fourteen: Explore TWO

This week pick two cards (without looking). Take time to post the following:

Card Name

Description of picture on card

Any hidden details on card (little things you are not sure of)

Another name you would give the card if you were naming it.

Any confusion you might have over the card/meaning of the card.



It's Week Fourteen: Explore TWO

This week pick two cards (without looking). Take time to post the following:

Card Name

Description of picture on card

Any hidden details on card (little things you are not sure of)

Another name you would give the card if you were naming it.

Any confusion you might have over the card/meaning of the card.

I feel really bad about letting this lapse... especially as I have been very into some Oracles recently.... currently Oracle of the Dragonfae. I have been posting about them on my blog!! I will try to do has gone a but crazy but as I am playing with the cards anyway!!


This is more my type of exercise :D

Earth Magic Card 1: Dance (Celebration). A young, slim and healthy looking African woman dressed in a skimpy animal hide outfit and decorated with necklaces and anklets of shells is smiling and dancing energetically in an open area with a few huts in the background. One of the huts has a half finished roof with the poles visible but no thatch. There are no other people in sight. I would say she is celebrating being at the peak of her youth and beauty and is either celebrating alone or the audience is on my side of the card watching her. She looks as if everything is going just right for her, as if she has many admirers and knows at this moment she has the power to choose whichever one she wants. Possibly the incomplete hut is being built for her and her future husband to live in. Maybe I would call the card Princess For A Day as I think she will have to commit very shortly and the alternative possibilities and power will then be gone. My confusion over the meaning is only that the deck's author has a different meaning altogether, but that's how I've read it today, I think perhaps I've been influenced by having just had the flu and losing half a stone in weight ;)


Earth Magic Card 2: Autumnal Equinox (Release). Rays of white light are shining down on a forest of tall thin trees. Those in the foreground are green but further back everything is red, orange and yellow. There is a green flat area at the front which looks more like a pool of water covered in green vegetation than grass. This is showing the beauty of the leaves being released as they have completed their purpose in enabling the trees to grow during the year and are now being shed to prepare for the dormant period of the winter. Possibly I'd call the card Letting Go. This is all in line with the author's meaning, it's a very clear card.


That was fun, so I'm going to have another go with my newly arrived Nature-Speak Oracle:

Nature-Speak Card 1: Rose (Love & healing). This shows two beautiful deep red roses and a green leaf or two on the stems. The flowers are covered in water droplets. Red roses are a well known symbol of love, particularly given by men to women, so that makes sense. I wasn't aware of any healing associations, maybe rose hip syrup which is a good source of Vitamin C, although there is some feeling of growth energy in the flowers opening and freshness in the water droplets. Turkish Delight is of course an excellent health food for those feeling tired and run down, especially the chocolate coated variety. ;)

Ah, the author explains the healing idea as being due to love of life and the healing power of love, and if the card is reversed, the suggestion that hurting others before they can hurt you might not be the best plan to obtain happiness. I can see I'll have to pick cards with my eyes closed though, as the backs of the cards have an asymmetrical design. I don't think I'd name this card any differently.


Nature-Speak Card 2: Willow (Veils parting). This shows a weeping willlow, so the veils are quite obvious in the dangling branches that would obstruct your view until you passed between them. There is some water in the foreground over which the willow's branches hang, and a flat grassy area in the background with some other trees, a pine and a large deciduous tree such as an oak; this could be a park or country estate. The sky is blue and it looks like a nice warm day. I imagine it would be a pleasant experience to row across this water, through the veil of the willow and wander off through the parkland. It also looks very dark and mysterious under the willow, there could even be some sort of hidden place there.

The author's meaning is very exciting - exploring new realms and teachings, the dream world opening up, hidden things becoming clear. Reversed deals with confusion, rationalizing away one's mysterious experiences, and encourages the querent to reflect on the world around them until intuition again opens up. Fortunately all the willow trees I see in my physical world are the right way up. ;)


Card 1:
~Moon- A border of the moon in his different phases, with new at the top and full at the bottom, with a piece of mistletoe hanging down from the top to the middle of the card.
~ I have a bit of trouble with this card because in Western mythology, the moon is female so it just doesn't feel right for me for it to be male as it is in Aboriginal myth. Also, that mistletoe looks like kangaroo paw. Mistletoe, to me, is something out of Northern Hemisphere based stories. I will have to work hard not to think of this card as "Annoying Red Mistletoe Card" because the card would be much better without it.
~ No confusion over the meaning, really. A moon card is mostly about cycles.

Card 2:
~Ochre- The outline of a hand made by spitting white paint around the edges, with dots of different colours fairly evenly spaced around the border.
~I could call this card 'Sacredness and Humanity' but really, Ochre is a perfectly good name.


Well we have the Man in the Moon and the face on the RWS card looks male to me. Der Mond in German is also masculine. I'd rather think about what earlier people could learn from Nature than the over complicated classical mythology. If the plant on your card looks like kangaroo paw to you then that is what it is, don't let any book override what you can see for yourself. :)


I am hoping this is making up for doing so badly on some of the recent exercises. ;)

Secret Language Of Color Card 1: Auburn (Ground Yourself). A wood of young beech trees in autumn; all the leaves have turned brown and the ground is covered in those that have already fallen, so the entire scene is this auburn color. I would like to be walking in this scene, it looks very peaceful - actually it gives nearly the same feeling as Autumnal Equinox I drew earlier in the exercise although the sky is more grey and there are no beams of sunlight so it is a bit more subdued. The book describes an exercise of connecting oneself to the Earth by visualising Auburn rays, and Earth element qualities such as patience and stability, so doesn't have the same meaning as Earth Magic; in a reading I'd probably go for nearer the Earth Magic interpretation although the idea of the trees patiently waiting for the spring is a good extra point.


Secret Language Of Color Card 2: Magenta (Connect to Your Deepest Inner Knowing). A close up of a deep pinkish red flower shows a lot of concentrically arranged petals, open on the outer circles then more wrapped round like tubes, and towards the centre more tightly wrapped with the ends of the tubes pointing inwards. It feels as if it's drawing me in to the small dark cavity right in the middle which is enclosed and protected by all the outer layers. This is presumably the place at which the deepest inner knowing is to be found, like the centre of a mandala or maze. The book talks about spirituality, self discovery and enthusiasm for life. Maybe I should try the exercise of asking my Higher Self a question before going to sleep while meditating on the colour.