
Wasn't sure where to post this, but I was wondering how everyone's New Year readings went?

I got a lot of tough cards, 7 of swords, 10 of wands, and for the finale 10 of swords! It is going to be a year of burden, but one with the chance for a personal new beginning. I hope!

So, what did the cards tell you?



This probably belongs in Your Readings, and you will be asked to give a more detailed interpretation of each card.

I did a 12-month wheel-of-the-year spread beginning on the Winter Solstice instead. I used the Anna K, and it was uncanny how closely the cards drawn matched the seasonal pattern of the months, so closely that I actually did a long-range weather forecast for my area (central New England) for the entire year. The color and tone of the Anna K cards were an ideal expression of each season, cool cards in Fall and Winter, mainly warm cards in Spring and Summer.

The Winter season showed the Magician, with the Queen of Pentacles (Water of Earth as "frozen precipitation"), the 3 of Swords and the Page of Swords as the monthly cards. The Hierophant represented the Spring season, with the 5 of Swords, the Page of Pentacles and the 6 of Wands as the monthly cards. The Lovers expressed the Summer season, with the 5 of Cups (a soggy June), the 8 of Wands and the 3 of Cups as the monthly cards. Strength reflected the Fall season, with the 2 of Cups, the 6 of Swords and the 10 of Wands as the monthly cards. The center "focus" card for the entire year, randomly selected, was the Sun, so I figured it will be another warm, dry year overall.

The Sun in the middle blended well with all of the monthly cards except those for June, August and September, which I took to be periods of unusally high humidity.

From a personal perspective, I took the spread to show a year of mostly highs (from an Elemental Dignity perspective), with "success" as the keynote. Elementally, reading from the center out,the most difficult months look like those where the quarterly cards are at odds with the monthly cards: December (Air and Earth); March (Earth and Air); and September (Fire and Water). The most favorable months should be January and February (both Air and Air), April (Earth and Earth) and November (Fire and Fire). The other five months (with "neutral but supportive" combinations) should be more positive than not. The Sun, of course, overrides everything and smooths out the bumps. It has to work hardest in the months of June, August and September, but the intermediary seasonal cards, the Lovers and Strength, are well-favored with their monthly entourage with the single exception of September, which I would expect to be the most difficult month.


Moderator Note:

This probably belongs in Your Readings, and you will be asked to give a more detailed interpretation of each card.

I interpreted the question as more of a general outlook on the year question rather than specific readings/positions, etc. General discussion is fine for Talking Tarot. As you say, more specific things would go to Your Readings. It's possible to do the readings there and give a general outlook on the year here with a link to the reading.

I haven't done a yearly reading yet because I generally don't do them, but somehow this thread has put me in the mood. I think I will. :)


I interpreted the question as more of a general outlook on the year question rather than specific readings/positions, etc. General discussion is fine for Talking Tarot. As you say, more specific things would go to Your Readings. It's possible to do the readings there and give a general outlook on the year here with a link to the reading.

I haven't done a yearly reading yet because I generally don't do them, but somehow this thread has put me in the mood. I think I will. :)

I seldom do them (well, actually, never) but our regional tarot group is going to explore them at our January meeting, so I got a leg up on that. Can my reply remain here or should we start a new thread? I think there already is one, but it may not be a perfect fit.


As suggested, I tried to copy my full reading over into a separate thread in Your Readings and just leave a summary here, but I get an "Internal Server Error" no matter how I try to do it, so I guess it stays here.


Sorry, I didn't clarify. I just meant talking about the overall reading in general terms! Nothing too specific, just the jist.



Wasn't sure where to post this, but I was wondering how everyone's New Year readings went?

I got a lot of tough cards, 7 of swords, 10 of wands, and for the finale 10 of swords! It is going to be a year of burden, but one with the chance for a personal new beginning. I hope!

So, what did the cards tell you?


I would say to remember that when asking about the future, you can change that future the vast majority fo the time. So it does not have to be a year of burden.

Then again it depends on the question you asked. I did a reading asking what we have to look forward to in 2017, as I figured we all need things to look forward to.

I broke it up into 4 sections, one for each season. And of course if you ask what there is to look forward to, positive things will come up. It was a general reading designed to apply to a large group of people. Feel free to PM me if you are curious or would like to see it.

But it does depend on the question asked. Or again if you saw burdens, you can either ask what good will come from them in the end, what you are meant to learn from them, or how to fix/ change things to avoid them.



Apparently, changes are coming for me, but these changes will be initiated slowly!


Mine was a little all over the place, but it seemed to be good overall so I'm hoping for the best


Using the DruidCraft Tarot when asking how my 2017 is going to be for me I received (In summary):

Princess of Swords: This is fresh, new ideas and inspiration regarding something I currently have in the works.

7 of Wands: Defending/standing my ground when encountering challenges. Also, courage to meet those challenges head on. I'll have the upper hand and my viewpoint will be seen to success.

The Lovers: A joyous union of my inner and outer Self. Feeling free and confident in my future choices regarding what I want for myself and my life (ties in to what I received from the Princess of Swords above.) My heart and mind finally agree. Enjoying life's pleasures fully, and with passion, without care or regard of what others may think. Choosing to do my thing and owning it.