3 and 6 of Pentacles


I keep getting this cards, and i am wondering what the link between these cards are.
Is the 6 of pentacles giving the abundance of his wealth that he has gained through working hard in the 3 of pentacles, so now he can give it to the poor.


214red said:
I keep getting this cards, and i am wondering what the link between these cards are.
Is the 6 of pentacles giving the abundance of his wealth that he has gained through working hard in the 3 of pentacles, so now he can give it to the poor.
I think it depends on the situation, but it can also be saying, that yes you have the talent and the know how and you've started something wonderful(3), but perhaps now its time to open up to receiving a boost, or sharing the resonsibility(6)


thanks queen of wands, usually this comes up for advice/guidence on what to do generally, perhaps its also about sharing time and resources with others


The 3 of Pents can also refer to the Great Work of Creation, bringing heaven to earth, the imagination, guides...what did the reading pertain to? I would think this combination has great significance in many ways.


its usually when i am asking for guidence on what to do


Well 3 relates to empress and 6 to the lovers

so maybe you need to invest in something and involve others
Something needs to be built or developed

The word abundance comes to mind


Well, 3 is half of 6, so perhaps all you can do is allow someone to hold up their end of the deal, as now you'll need more than yourself to complete the sharing.

Maturity, I think, would be something common between these two cards. The 3 would be some kind of maturity of self, while the 6 would show a kind of maturity involving others.


Thank you all, the mist is starting to leave me, and maybe clarity is behind the mist...:)


Accepting a gift

Both the 3/Pents and 6/Pents have something very much in common. In the 3/Pents the craftsman is allowed to create his unique item thanks to the patronage of others. It is something often overlooked in 3/Pents. It's not about hard work or even just creating something, it's about being given the chance to create it thanks to someone else's investment in the idea or in the craftsman's innate talent. Someone has seen what the craftsman has and *wants* to finance it.

6/Pents, is, of course, generosity. The advice is often to the receiver to freely take what is freely given. A reminder that accepting may be as generous a gift. People do have a need to give, and do unburden themselves/better themselves in doing so. Thus, refusing gifts because you hate to take charity (for example) may really be denying your own generosity in allowing someone the chance to be giving and open-handed.

Do you see the similarities in the cards now? :)


That makes a lot of sense thirteen.

One thing that I struggle with in the 6p is whether you are giving or receiving. Generally for me if the card is upright it is giving (Druidcraft) because the coins are in his had about to fall into the outstretched hand, if reversed, the coins look like they have fallen into your hand.

~ C