Your essential card


Would anyone care to share with me their essential card, and weather or not they believe this card does them justice in their opinion.
My essential card is Adjustment, and it is right on the money for me. The only other card that could maybe represent me would be the Knight of Pentacles (in my opinion). I find it amazing how the essential cards of many people I know really go good with them.


Is "essential" the same as your soul card/ personality card on something similar?

Mine are both 8 (not sure if I should go with Strength or Adjustment.. :confused: ). I guess Strength is closer to me than Adjustment, I don't relate to her at all.

My birthday cards are the 4 wands (hence my avatar and quite suitable in some respects), and the Prince Coins (not at all suitable). I'm really more water and fire (at least I think so).

I have found the yearly card useful though.


hi, my soul/personality cards are Empress/world
not so sure about that world card, how it pertains to me. But the Empress, i can see in me very well. (had my first baby at 23!)
what is a birthday card?


Astrid O said:
what is a birthday card?Astrid

Quite possibly something I made up! If you look up the coresspondances between the date of your birth and the decan of the star sign you get two cards a minor pip and a court card. I've not actually seen anyone talk about them that way, but I think of them as birthday cards.

For me April 13th is the last decan of Aries = 4 Wands, and the last decan of Aries belongs to the court card Prince Coins (mostly taurus).

I canlt find an online graphic to link to, but there will be one in any thoth book.


oooh similia I really like your avatar! clever!
hmm, it will be a while of studying astrology before I can understand that birthday card bit.
I've seen you around and have often wondered about the meaning of your name,similia? That word gets thrown around these parts of CA quite a lot. And I was just wondering what it might mean in Australia...if it's too personal, that's pressure to answer!
: )


Now I'm very curious about what Similia means in CA :confused: :D

Similia is latin for "like" (as in "similar", not as in "I like chocolate cake")

"Similia Similibus Currentur" is the creed of homeopaths (my profession) and means "let like be cured by like". A homeopathy journal named "Similia" was on my desk as I was trying to come up with a name, so I picked that (sad, I know but I couldn't think of anything creative :) ). It also serves as a subtle hello to other homeopaths on the forum (a couple of whom have said hello and asked about my name)

I really know very little of astrolgy myself. Look out for a picture that looks like an astrology wheel (?) and it should say the cards, and the date.

I just looked up yours: 20th Feb is the first decan of Pisces, and relates to 8 cups (Saturn in Pisces), and the Knight of Cups (thoth Knight).

I might need to point out again however, that I made up the "birthday card" thing as I like it better than my soul/personality card. Also I've found it helpful to learn the cards/astrolgy order by thinking "this week is the ??? and the ???".

Oh, I just realised, happy birthday for tomorrow!! (duh, how slow am I...?)


Hi, Similia

My personality card is the Star, and my soul card is the Chariot. I like the Star much better than the Chariot.... although in meditating on the Chariot, he tells me I have to concentrate on the Star, anyway.... which is fine with me.

What is the world card?

I really don't know much about numerology or astrology. June 28th is my birthday. I am definitely a water sign.

I drew cards recently, and I asked what card represented my true self. I drew the 6 pent., which makes me happy, cause when I meditated on this, the figure in the card said you can give anything, not just money.... cause I don't have a lot of money right now. I'm happy with the 6 pent, although I don't see myself as an earth sign.... but when I asked what card represented me, that I was most like, guess what.... I drew the Star. I knew it was the star before I drew it. That's what this universe is all about, I guess.


All of them depending where I am in my life at the time...I go through stages of one card being more significant than others but I take all of them as my soul card or essential card asessentially I am all the cards and they are all me.....


similia said:
Quite possibly something I made up! If you look up the coresspondances between the date of your birth and the decan of the star sign you get two cards a minor pip and a court card. I've not actually seen anyone talk about them that way, but I think of them as birthday cards.

I'm the Prince of Wands and the Four of Cups (guess my decan) These are useful as Significators but I don't find them particularly insightful as to my personality. Numerologically I'm The Hierophant, but nobody here seems to realize how wise I am ;)



I would never underestimate your smartness...,..,..,
