Connolly: Knight of Swords


This Connolly Knight of Swords has definite problems. With his impatience and overly forceful attitude he had driven his horse, the vehicle of his libido, so hard that it has reared up and may be about to unseat him. But whether he confident that he will be able to ride it out, or simply unaware of his limitations, the knight does not look very concerned. In fact, his focus is on his sword which is now raised in defiance towards the sky. Meanwhile, leaves fall down from above, either to join the knight when he hits the ground, or as a kind of blessing if he manages to stay horsed.

The Knight of Swords carries a shield with the mark of the red dragon. Perhaps he fancies himself a dragon slayer, as Mary Greer suggests in The Complete Book of Tarot Reversals
The Knight of Swords rides "hell-bent-for-leather' into the middle of a fray, like a hero sworn to kill a dragon, or a messenger carrying warnings...You may be assertive or forceful, but headstrong and impatient. Perhaps you are trying to right some wrong or cut through obstructions.