Madame Endora's Study...The Serpent


I decided to open discussion again based on the top card in my deck...which currently in the Serpent.

Hopefully others will want to join in! (including old friends from the earlier Endora secret Circle!)

I love that this serpent almost forms an certainly looks like a celtic knot.

Serpents traditionally cover a lot of bases...from cunning honey tongued manipulators of wild energy power symbols of Womanhood.

That's a lot of ground to cover!

I actually like the keywords on this card..."a sly and subtle approach is needed"because it takes a neutral stand on the serpent's alignment and affiliation with good or evil.

Personally...I think it's kind of cool to have a card that can symbolize either dark or light...depending on the circumstances, and surrounding cards.

My favorite meaning of the serpent symbol comes from Native American sources, regarding the serpent or snake as a totem spirit animal.

Some believe the Serpent is a sign of the Death card in the tarot...a change that brings pain...but can lead to new inward discoveries of strength and courage and tenacity.
the snakebite is like a trial by fire...a test to how strong you are in the face of adversity, and how you transform pain into healing and vision for others.

I hope someone else can add thier favotite snake stories...or meanings for serpents!


I always think of a snake like the Taoist principle of flowing water and the path of least resistence becasue that is the way they move. Turning around the obsticles rather than going through them. So beautiful and elegant, yet threatening and deadly (just like me - only kidding). They are natural, and represent the wild side that is always there, but may not be seen - some snakes can be in your vision one second and blend into the background the next because of their camophlage, others because of their fluidity move so very fast you can't track them.
The online dictionary has thee following definitions:
Serptent is defined as
1 a archaic : a noxious creature that creeps, hisses, or stings b : SNAKE
2 : DEVIL 1
3 : a treacherous person

Where as snake is:
1 : any of numerous limbless scaled reptiles (suborder Serpentes syn. Ophidia) with a long tapering body and with salivary glands often modified to produce venom which is injected through grooved or tubular fangs
2 : a worthless or treacherous fellow
3 : something (as a plumber's snake) resembling a snake
- snake·like /-"lIk/ adjective

I find the term archaic interesting here, in conjunction wht the idea of fluidity, maybe ancient would be better since they do have such a long history, in relation to humans and to evolution.


The Serpent

love this card. To me it says be patient. Strike only if needed. Snakes are very cold blooded and when persiving danger they strike. It also tells me that one should be careful where one walks.


Be direct and to the point.


i too like this card and its to the point suggestion, it almost gives you permission to be bad, sneaky, to creep up and strike without being noticed. laying in wait in the underbrush watching for that perfect moment to strike and say i got you. which sometimes when your trying to solve something is the only way to go because your efforts are not being noticed out in the open. the element of surprise


snakes to me mean, watchful, observant. The cold blooded aspect of them to me represents that removal of oneself from being so involved, as if it's a warning to step away, or to not get any closer. Just watch, or go on your merry way.

The key words at the bottom "a sly and subtle approach is needed" speaks of the grace in which a snake hypnotically moves. Slowly, gracefully, carefully exploring. I'm not so sure that "caution" is a part of the message, but, go with grace, beauty and wisdom.

Perhaps your in a delicate position with a friend, maybe she's in the process of getting a divorce, or your husbands uncle just passed away, but you never knew the man, however, your husband may be really upset. To me, this is the essence of the card. Watch, observe closely, approaching the situation not so much "cautiously", but more, gracefully. Using your wisdom of experience to guide you in what words to say, or what actions should be taken.



Serpent also is a symbol of the Goddess and for eternal life,because it sheds it´s skin;renewing itself.
In time lines,that might indicate 2. of February,when the snake(Goddess) was said to re-emerge from it´s winter sleep(later hedgehog,or groundhog).Could also mean reawakening any time of year,of course.
I also like the LWB interpretation;"The serpent may also represent a secret admirer,a renewal or a shedding of old habits".

December Fairy

I think the serpent alsomst looks like a maze, all coiled up around itself. Meaning many ways to get to the same point. In the situation you are facing you could take the wrong path. It's needs the "sly and subtle approach."