5 of Cups by Liz Hazel


My question isn't about creative writing, or private journals,
but published records of what has been put out there to see.
Liz Hazel is a pretty cool person, very into Rock and Roll etc.
But every time I think of her I hear a distant trumpet blow! :)

What other "near perfect" descriptions can be found out there?


5 of Cups by Liz Hazel, author: Tarot Decoded (elemental dignities)

"Drip, drip, drip. Darn leaky cups... I should probably do something
useful, like scrubbing the toilet. Hey, what do you know?

That's a container that still has water in it! And every time I flush it,
it fills back up again like magic. Imagine all that water, moving through
pipes and tunnels, finally reaching the sea where it can dance along
with the waves, wild and free.

Sheesh, what a day, when flushing a toilet cheers me up." L.H.
