Madame Endora's (Secret Circle) Study Group: The Wizard


Hopefully I'm posting this properly for the study group; I noticed that the Wizard has yet to be studied, so I thought I'd start with him:


At first I wasn't sure if the message fit, but then I thought of the two most quintessential wizards ever: Gandalf the Gray/White and Merlin (Merlyn).

Both of these Wizards functioned mainly as guides and helpers: Gandalf helped Frodo and Aragorn defeat the Dark Lord, while Gandalf helped Authur become a king. So now it makes perfect sense.

I also appreciate the LWB's mention of the abuse of power and its potential "misfortune." Totally true. That's why Gandalf didn't tak the Ring; that's why Merlin groomed Aurthur--not Merlin himself--to be king.

I really like this card because I have a particular affinity for Wizards and Magic. In fact, the image is kinda a fusion of Merlin and Gandalf: Merlin outfit and hat, but he's carrying a Gandalf-y staff.

Go Wizards! -FS


Thank you for starting this thread FS!

When I think of Wizards I think of Discworld and the Unseen University... can't see them being very helpful! Hehe

The Wizard I like to associate with Merlin and Gandalf too! Some half decent druid types (but then I would say that!) as druidry teaches about service to yourself as well as service to others.
The Wizard has the strange symbols behind him... he holds arcane knowledge that you or I might not have the first idea about it, but thats fine. As long as he knows and with that knowledge can help us then everything is alright. His glowing hand reminds me of the powers and responsbilities of healers (thinking that as I have recently had my Reiki2 attunement and I feel that is very a step into the 'healer' role, serving others).

His eyes look inward, finding the truth and seeing what most of us cant see. We cant see it, thats fine! He can, he will help us do that. His beard and hair are there to make us feel comfortable that he really knows his stuff. He knows that appearances are important, u have to look the part even if that means wearing a silly hat. A small sacrifice for helping people.

So the Wizard can be me helping someone else... or someone helping us... or us helping ourselves!



I don't know any wizards so this is my first, lol.
He reminds me a little of the rws Hermit, a definite teacher. Many times people think they have nothing to give or share, but sometimes a person's mere presence can make all the difference. In that sense, the juices are flowing and ready to be given forth, a healing for both student and teacher.


yes! & also the sharing of ones experiences for the benefit of others learning. I can just imagine this wizard telling us tales & us learning from his wisdom & experience:)


I was doing readings with the lovely Endora just this past weekend...and the wizard came up in a reading...and I was struck by an interesting idea about him...

He's one who enjoys power, and can be a manipulater.

I never really thought about the wizard being someone with an ego...but it was so clear in this particular reading, that here was someone who helped others only because it benefitted him in some way.

I should have read this thread first, faeriestorm, because that's the same observation you had made...a wizard can be dark....and abuses his power...or he can be someone who really is altruistic and works magic on behalf of others.

That was true in the next reading, where the wizard was a man who worked for health and human services, and used his power...his resources, and contacts to make "magic" and help people in the system who had been ignored, or were caught up in red tape.

It was a nice balance. The wizard uses his power...whether for good intentions, or to forward his own agenda depends on the other cards in the reading.


Wizard...Magician Card

I guess you are talking about the Magician card.

Back to basics then:
Here is how I see the card:

The Magician I card -
I think he is connecting to the HIGHER SOURCE of POWER or LIGHT
[the infinity symbol - figure 8 -over his head]

The number of the card is a I = new beginnings and all of the Aces relate
to this card. He is stretching one arm towards the heavens and the other
toward the earth...connecting the two-
to me he is saying: or "As above so below"

When read UPRIGHT:
The person you are reading for has the power of MEDITATION, and CREATION
of NEW BEGINNINGS. He/she has total AMBITION to create GOOD THINGS.
He/she also has NEW lessons to learn.

He/she is a person that is INGENIOUS and can take simple things
and from them CREATE something NEW and truly fantastic.
He/she is also a MIRACLE WORKER.
He/she could be a powerful leader offering NEW awareness.
Could mean MENTAL GROWTH for this person.

Now here, you have the trickster, blocked, untalented, and no skills and
he/she has NO ambition either. Maybe he/she is lying about his skills.
Deceptive person.



Okay, so what's the go with the illumination of his palm? It is held high and surrounded by that circle of light.

Looking at the markings on the palm itsElf, he has a very, very strong life-line which is bordered by a strong central fate line. Though, looking up higher, the fate line is actually broken. What does this mean? Did this wizard start out to be a helper and then change to the dark side?

I don't much like the darkness in his eyes. The blank gaze. To me, it suggests evil.

Is the querent capable of evil and is the wizard a warning to stay with the light?

Evident on his palm is the triangle of intuition. So, we know this is a very psychic and powerful person.

I just can't get past the is the focus of this card for me.

Is this person arrogant, what I say, or speak to the hand???

I feel he is a manipulator. I just hope he uses his talent for goodness! I would place a fair bit of weight on surrounding cards to get a better understanding of this card in a context.

with love