6-card Daily Time Spread


This is something I designed after reading about how doing daily readings for yourself can help you relate to the cards.

Mine is slightly more detailed than most daily spreads though...


This is how it works:

There are 24 hours in a day and on average 8 hours are spent sleeping leaving 16 waking hours. These can be divided into four sections of four hours represented by cards 1-4.
Divisions can vary for each person but since I usually sleep at 12 a.m. and wake up at 8 a.m. I use these divisions:

Card 1: 8 a.m. - 12 p.m. (Morning)
Card 2: 12 p.m. - 4 p.m. (Afternoon)
Card 3: 4 p.m. - 8 p.m. (Evening)
Card 4: 8 p.m. - 12 a.m. (Night)

So generally, the first four cards are used for each of the four parts of the day. If you're sleeping pattern is different from this , you can simply shift the hours in any direction to suit you but you must remember to apply the same difference to all the cards.
Usually the cards will tell you what to expect from each part of the day and will point out any significant events to look forward to.

The next two cards were inspired from certain versions of the celtic cross depicting an invisible force or underlying current in each of our lives.
This spread shows these things on a much smaller and more sensitive scale:

Card 5-6: Underlying or subconcious currents at work throughout your day. May include how you will feel, what you will learn from the day or advice on attitudes to adopt, what to look out for and what to take notice of.

These last cards are especially important partly because at some level, they become what the user makes of them. They are the mysterious cards whose meanings are never obviously apparent untill they are experienced and that experience can be used for learning.

The good thing about using this spread daily is that it makes people that much more sensitive about the message of the cards. By experiencing a small part of what the cards show on a small scale, users may then begin to relate to other combinations of cards from different readings better since they will have that much more understanding.

Also, the spread is flexible, it not only shows the events of the day in a periodic and specific arangement, but when viewed in its entirety can give an accurate general consensus of the day's foregoings.

It is also interesting to note down the daily pattern of the last two cards as they appear throughout a week, I myself seem to be getting the same general cards each time.

That said, this spread had proven to be accurate to me, but I'm not sure as to how it will be recieved. This is the first ever spread I designed so I've put alot of thought into it and I was quite nervous about presenting it to others.

Please be honest in your opinions, I enjoyed speclating about this spread and hope it can benefit other people that are interested but if you find any criticisms in my method please don't hesitate to speak your mind so that I may learn from it in the future.

...perhaps I worry too much?



great spread!!

Hello Sinner
thanks for posting this spread, I just did it and got a smack on my head!
this is what I got
1.- II wands
2.-Page of wands
3.-VI cups
4.-IX pentacles
5.-King of pentacles
6.-The devil....... yikkesss
I also got a phone call from my father who wants to met me for dinner, I have not seen him since the 25th because we got into a silly fight, so the cards are clear to me, I need to let go and have peace and be careful that my dark side does not rule my day.........
what do you think???
from one worrier to another


Thanks for giving it a go Anaoly,

If you attempt this spread and the meaning comes to you intuitively then that is a good sign. Some people already have an idea about what they're doing to do during each day so if you can apply it to the cards then all the better.

In your spread I can see how it can relate to your situation and I think your analysis is pretty well done, I'd call attention to the two of wands and the eight of pentacles as they are both supported by surrounding cards and indicate the same thing. Also, the appearance of the devil may very well be an indication of old conflicts re-ignited.

just as a side note, I usually use this spread before I go to sleep at night for the next day, or very early in the morning. If any of the cards appear not to make sense straight away, I'd write down the cards I got and then at the end of the day, I can think back as to what events happened to make that card so important so I'll know what the card means next time.

hope this helps



By the way, any further feedback or input on this spread would really be appreciated, if you have any thoughts regarding the spread I would really like to hear them.
I'm thinking of designing more spreads in the future so any constructive criticism will be valued.
please feel free to offer any personal opinions aswell



Sinner said:
Mine is slightly more detailed than most daily spreads though...


This is how it works:

I am copying this into my Tarot journal to use. I will let you know how it goes. It is a fascinating spread and I will also be asking my students to utilize it to see how it works for them! Thanks for sharing this!


Immensely encouraging, this has pushed me further into my dicoveries of the tarot, I feel much more confident.
Thanks for your opinion.


This looks like an excellent spread, perfect for beginners and advanced readers. Also a good way to get to know a new deck.
Thanks for sharing this Sinner.


great spread

I am very drawn to your six car daily time spread

I enjoy doing a three card daily spread at least three times a week, the one that goes like this;
Qu. What do I need to know or be aware of today or tomorrow?
card one: Answer
Card two: Why I need to be aware of this?
Card three: Action.What action to take if anything?
(You can also use this for specific questions, though brief in content)

I really like the time concept in your spread and am looking forward to when in the very near future I give it a go.
I already feel it will become useful and insightful part of my reading routine during this time.

Blessed Solstice
(Summer down under)