Healing with the Angels - Nature


To me, this card comes up if you are stressed or have a lot going on in your life at the moment. Take a step back and relax, unwind and recharge the batteries. Your soul will benefit.

It is therapeautic to spend time in nature. Block out everything around you. Spend that time in a garden, in the woods, at the beach and stare at the ocean and the waves, pick flowers.


This card looks very Roman like to me. I get a feeling of peace, relaxation and tranquility.

The message is that we can be rejuvenated or healed when spending time in nature. There is an energy transfer between us and plants... by spending time outside, we will feel this healing energy. It is also important to reconnect with Mother Earth.

Take time to look at the butterflies, hear the birds sing, watch the bees fly from flower to flower, look at your surroundings and enjoy the natural harmony they live in.


Lately, I have been spending time at the beach or in the park in my lunch breaks and found that I have really benefitted from this. Not that I have been too stressed lately, but for me I find it helps keep me calm and relaxed. I just focus only on the natural surroundings and do a little meditation.

My mind is constantly working overtime with worries and thinking too much about things and when I drew this card again yesterday, I took it as a reminder that spending time in nature is for me.