

1. What's on the card

You can find the card on Peter Orban's site at

A rather big woman sits behind a desk piling stacks of coins in front of her. These stacks of coins are starting to look like a protective wall, behind which she can feel secure.

You can almost imagine her being covered up behind it, making her prison complete. She has already put bars in the window, because one could steal her "treasure". Of course she has good reason for this kind of security, but it (and her money) will soon be the only thing she has left.

You will not find people in her self-made prison, except those who are only after her treasure.

2. What does it mean

This card symbolizes an inner personality which is blocked. In some strange way, this person has imprisoned itself, and for a long time does not even notice it.

She believes the bars are there to protect here from the dangers of the outside world, and she can leave her prison anytime. But that is not the case! She is the prisoner of her own safeguards.

This card is the combination of two personalities indicating "the material world" (taurus) and "security for the future" (virgo), so that the erection of a "material" protective wall must counter the fear of loss of value, fear of the future, fear of not being important/valuable enough.

So this character starts hoarding, even starts "gaining weight".

It calls its partner "my precious".

Other dimensions of this card are avarice and greed.

I hope this helps clarify some of the keywords and explanations used in the LWB for this card.

3. Bibliography

Symbolon - Das Spiel der Erinnerungen - Zur Symbolik astrologischer Aspekte

Symbolon - Arbeitsbuch zum Horoskop-Mandala