Madame Endora's Fortune Cards


When I ordered my Vargo Gothic I decided to endulge in the Madame Endora's Fortune Cards as well...

The deck came in today. It is lovely and I connected with it right away...

Any thought on it?


My experience so far has been, that the cards will tease me,
and usually I can tell I deserve it, by leading me along awhile
before giving me an answer... they cut through my wavering,
one at a time giving a little more information, until I go ahead
and get to the core of the issue I'm asking about. I love 'em!


Hahahah, I just ordered that Madame deck last night. I was just in the mood in buying a new deck, and I came upon and realized it was the same publisher of the Gothic Tarot, so I bought it too.....on ebay that is, very good price for it too. Can't wait to receive that deck. I already love the Gothic Tarot, and I know I will love the Madame deck as well.


I love the Madame Endora cards but I can't seem to do multiple readings with them - there is a card called 'Hindrance' with the keywords 'Fate has blocked this path for you' and I've lost count of the times I've got this card when I've asked for a clarifier - which suggests to me that I'm not getting anymore information out of the cards.

Usually when I do tarot or oracle readings, I start off with the original question but as the reading goes along, I add onto it, shuffle and read for the follow-on question - these cards won't do that.

But regardless of that they are beautiful cards.

OK, just done my daily with this deck, I give up - it has a sense of humour. I asked 'Is there anything I should be aware of today' - Answer - Hindrance!!! - I'm putting it away, banished back to the tarot shelf.


I felt like the deck was teasing me too!. :) It won't get to the point...I thought it was just me...

I like the fan spread in the book...

And I love the 'seer' card. I got the t-shirt too. :)


I've been working with the deck for a while and love it. Often, it can be gentle in how it phrases things, but sometimes (like Madame Endora herself) the cards can get downright impatient and become short-tempered in how bluntly they deliver messages.

There are times when I use the deck that everything it's telling me is painfully clear - other times, I feel like a reading with the Endoras is a math puzzle I'm trying to figure out.

The Seer is one of my favorite images as well and I've been thinking about getting one of the Seer tshirts for my Monolith merchandise collection.


Cannot work with them as they make no sense to me but I love the graphics:)

Elen Sian

Mme E

I have done a couple of Celtic Crosses with this deck and it is fab. I love it.
The 3x3 spread in the back of the LWB is a good one to use as well.
I have had really good readings, not always following whats written at the
bottom of the card but going with my intuition.
It really is a great deck. I don't use it as much as I'd like but try to whenever I can ...Hel ;)


This is both a great deck for personal use, as well as a fabulous "Fortune Telling" deck for reading at parties.

I love that the symbols are so universal (except for that damn wyvern...still not sure what that means when it comes up!) and can be freely interpreted.

I love that in one reading, a card may be very positive, and in the very next becomes a warning for someone. This deck is perfect for the intuitive as well as keyword readings.

I love that the pictures are so pretty and accessable, and that almost every person who sees it oohs and ahhhs over it!

And I love that there are just enough cards in it. It seems to me..that nothing is really left out, and that it has just the right number of ideas, concepts and symbols to be either a deep meaningful revelation, or a surface, fun and curious entertainment reading.

This is one of my hardest working oracles that I own. It goes to every party with me, whether I end up using it or not.

Also great for I tend to use the tarot to do general readings..this deck pinpoints answers to specific questions in ways that other oracles do not always.


i got this deck, love the art -- haven't done as many readings with it because i've been more focused on tarot, but took it with me to a night out, thinking it would be easier than reading tarot if i was drinking ;o)

i read for several people, and it was right on. the only thing i found (and i was slightly tipsy LOL) was i read the card then the LWB (because i JUST got the deck) - i felt there was nothing more i could add, nothing to intuit, just.... there were the cards. they were point on but it was like i had nothing to do with it LOL. i suppose in a more complicated reading it could be different. (i did past preset future)