how to find out about health?


I found something on the internet about swords suit representing body parts, to see where is a disease or health problem located. It was as follows:
(the original source was in spanish, so please understand if I translate anything with a wrong word)

1. column
2. wrists, ankles, hands, foot
3. knees, elbows, hips, shoulders
4. sexual organs
5. liver, vesicle, pancreas
6. kidneys, urinary organs
7. stomach, intestine
8. nose, throat, lungs
9. psyche, mind, head, brain, eyes, ears, mouth
pages: small surgery, x-rays, scanning, ecography
knights: forced surgery, urgent.
kings: surgeon, psychiatrist, priest

(I have no clue of what a priest has to do here)

1. First of all, I would like someone to tell me if this sounds correct, since I'm still a beginner with tarot readings.

2. And I would also like to know what spread to use in order to apply these card meanings.

Thanks a lot in advance =)


I can't really help you with spreads or if those meanings are correct, but...

... my personal inclination would be to go visit the doctor no matter what. At the end of the day, he or she is going to have more knowledge and more ability to help than the cards. Which is not to suggest not using them to... get an idea of what might be wrong, but I wouldn't start treating myself based on their advice. If that makes any sense.


I echo Seqsea... the best way to find out about health is see a doctor. I'm sure tarot could tell you what is wrong and where, but ... it can't treat you if it does indicate something and... it's just not a good idea to use tarot as a health diagnostic.... especially if you are a beginner.


patr1c1a said:
kings: surgeon, psychiatrist, priest

(I have no clue of what a priest has to do here)
I assume the priest is included to administer last rites--the implication being that the problem is so bad it requires a surgeon, psychiatrist or...a priest!

Hmmm. But where are the queens?

I agree with everyone else. In the end, whatever you read regarding Health in the Tarot...the end advice should always be "see a doctor."


patr1c1a said:
1. First of all, I would like someone to tell me if this sounds correct, since I'm still a beginner with tarot readings.

2. And I would also like to know what spread to use in order to apply these card meanings.
1. Health is a dodgy issue in Tarot. Any tarot reader who is a true professional will be hesitant to say that this sounds "correct" because we don't want people doing any kind of health analysis with the cards. If a querent comes to you having chest pains, you don't need to turn up the 3/swords to tell that he might have angina (that would be my pick of a card for do notice that "heart" is not on your list there?).

He may be having heart problems, he may just be having heartburn--but he needs to see a doctor, not you. STILL, in answer to the question, these are as good as any other method for using the tarot to predict health.

2. There is no particular spread needed. You need a general spread which includes a position for "Health." If one of these cards turns up in the position of "health" then you can say, "Oh, 7 swords in the health position. Have you been having stomach problems?" Or "Watch what you eat, your digestion is going to be a little delicate in the days to come...."


Thanks for all your replies. I understand the wiser decision would be to see a doctor, but I thought maybe I could advise the person to go see one since there might be some problem they haven't still had symphtoms for.
But I also see it can be dangerous to predict anything like that when I'm still a beginner.
Thanks again =)