Health Cards


It is confusing to me which cards represent what areas of health concerns.


I have two cards that usually come up for me when I need to pay attention to my health: the Five of Pentacles and the Nine of Swords. The pentacles card usually shows up with general health issues, while the swords card shows up when a migraine is on the horizon. I keep a journal of my daily cards, and I often look back on them the next day to see what I've missed. This is how I figured out these cards were "Pay attention to your health and stress level" for me.




I have heard that certain cards could relate to body systems or areas such as, heart, head, hips and so on.


If I had to pick a suit to represent what is taking place physically or health wise I would pick the suit of Earth or Pentacles because that suit deals with what is materialized or not on the physical plane...

Swords would be good for mental/psychological health
Wands for issues of personal strength and identity
Cups for emotional issues of emotional health and well being...

6 Haunted Days

If you're looking to get quite in-depth with the the cards and body/health issues than I very highly recommend the book Tarot for the Healing Heart: Using Inner Wisdom to Heal Body and Mind by Christine Jette .

It's excellent and has been invaluable to me these past couple months (broke arm/surgery yada yada).

She has indicators, interpertations and what each card represents (major and minor) health/healing wise in the back of the book. The discussions are so enlightening and comforting. The many spreads she includes really get to the heart of the matter.


Something to remember, unless you are just reading for yourself of course, is that unless you are a qualified medical practitioner, in most parts of the world, you can get into heaps of trouble using cards as a diagnostic health tool. You can use them generally ... as a suggestion that a person seek some medical help ... but not be specific as to what you think the problem is.

And yep ... all suits can be reflective of health concerns. Bodran's idea of daily cards and making observations after the fact is a good one. For example ... for Bodran, the 9 of swords represents and on-coming migraine ... for me, a bout of particularly bad depression. The Tower, for me health-wise, indicates the worsening of my oesteoarthritis (tower as skeleton, cracking apart ... risk of falling), or that my family members are having or may have a health crisis. Finding your own meanings comes with time and practice.

Nancy Garen in her Tarot Made Easy book gives her interpretations for all kinds of areas, including health, and, if my memory serves me well (it may not), Tarot Plain and Simple has some health interpretations.

I am reminded too, that I haven't read my copy of Tarot for the Healing Heart. Thanks 6 Haunted Days.



Thanks Mythos,

Being a nurse, I can be heavy handed on the health issues. I will be sure to heed your advice!


Well...I'm into symbols, so I think the two of cups (RWS) can also represent some kind of medical advice/professional/practice/health issue...etc because of the cadaceus symbol featured on it. It came up in a reading I did once where the querent wanted to know if she should be a nurse or do something else. The 'nurse' option was represented in her cards by the 2 of Cups. It was really cool to see that symbol show up in that reading!


Splungeman said:
Well...I'm into symbols, so I think the two of cups (RWS) can also represent some kind of medical advice/professional/practice/health issue...etc because of the cadaceus symbol featured on it. It came up in a reading I did once where the querent wanted to know if she should be a nurse or do something else. The 'nurse' option was represented in her cards by the 2 of Cups. It was really cool to see that symbol show up in that reading!

Although often associated with the Greek Hermes the Caduceus can be seen 1000 years before In India and some parts of Asia. The entwining snakes were thought to be a representation of kundalini energy rising up through the body, from the perineum and sacrum to the crown of the head releasing blocked energy.
The snakes are wrapped around the main spinal track (sushumna) and in each place where the snakes cross each other, which occurs 7 times, there is suppose to be an energy center called a Chakra - the wings resting on top of the 7th Chakra...