Which Court Card is the Healthiest? Unhealthiest?


Focusing on the court cards specifically, I was wondering who might be the most physically healthy, and who is the least healthy? Or can this be determined by the cards alone, without a context?

Looking at only the Queens, I would speculate that the Queen of Pentacles is possibly the healthiest... She gets outside as much as possible and enjoys being active... The Queen of Wands is also healthy, though. She's vibrant and full of life, but would she also take some risks with her health (or perhaps this is just the Knight of Wands who would do that?)? The Queen of Swords could be openly unhealthy (not a closet Oreo-eater, but someone who just says, "Yes, this is who I am."), or it might be that woman who is healthy by following "the rules" of eating healthy, but not necessarily through communing with nature and so forth. I picture the Queen of Cups being potentially the least healthy, because she's focused on other things. I don't picture the Q of Cups passing up a wonderful evening of communion with others just because the meal includes alfredo sauce and rich bread.

If I were to generalize, I'd say that the Knights are the least physically healthy of all the court cards... I'm basing this on how they all go to extremes in one way or another. That can't be good for a person's sense of balance not only spiritually and internally, but physically as well. Am I off base on this?

The Pages are quite healthy because they have that fast and forgiving (and youthful!) metabolism. hahaha. Actually, when I imagine the Page (or Knave) of any suit, I picture something that is so new and fresh that you have butterflies in your stomach. You want to play and run or create or solve or build... and you can barely eat for that feeling of hope, promise, and excitement. So, the Pages are healthy by accident, because of where they are in their lives.

That leaves the Kings. For some reason, while I imagine the Queen of Cups as the least healthy Queen, I picture the least healthy King as the King of Swords. I think he is so focused on the cerebral that the body is viewed more as just a "host" to his fantastic, analytical brain. The King of Wands could go either way, I believe. He might get attention from his great physique, but on the other hand he may have plenty of magnetism without having to worry about the details-- counting calories, exercising, etc... I mean, look at Jack Nicholson! The King of Cups may be healthy because he feels more spiritually balanced when he is in tune with his body; he takes yoga and might not eat meat; on the other hand, like his female counterpart, I picture that this king enjoys the finer things in life, including nice, rich meals and drink... Finally, the King of Pentacles is probably the healthiest (this is just my speculation, and I am hoping to get feedback on what you guys think!). Not only does the King of Coins have great discipline, he is active, loves to be outside, never runs out of stamina, and he simply accomplishes whatever he wants to accomplish. Even if this guy isn't running marathons, I would guess that neither does he get too winded if he has to take the stairs up a few floors because the elevator is broken. You know?

Thinking about topics like these helps me explore the meanings of the cards, since I am still pretty new to this. Court cards can be particularly challenging at times, so I like to stretch myself to try to imagine different aspects of their respective personalities. Please tell me what you think! If I'm off-base on anything, set me straight! :)


I would go with th thought that the pages are quite healthy except I see the Page Cups putting on a bit of extra weight.

I think of all the knights being healthy, they have to be.

I would go with the Queen Cups being the least healthy and the Queen Wands being the healthiest. I would see the Queen of pents being fairly unhealthy another eater. Queen swords probably thinking too much to get fat, mind busy so no time for snacks.

King Cups looks unhealthy and King wands looks real fit.


good point about the knights

True- I see what you are saying-- that the knights are warriors and very full of energy and ambition, so they must be healthy. I don't know what I was thinking earlier. I believe I was just picturing that a knight might appear on the surface to be healthy, but they might drink too much and have kidney damage, for example. Or a knight might be unhealthy by taking too many risks with their health or physical well-being. Other than these types of examples, though, I stand corrected about the knights...

I should mention also that I purposely didn't look at my cards when I wrote my original post. I know that we all use different decks, and I didn't want to be swayed by the picture that happens to be on my deck. I have to say now, though, that you are absolutely right that the King of Cups on the RW deck looks QUITE unhealthy!

Any other thoughts, everybody?


Looking for a body type on being a slim or large person can sometimes be difficult, again i suppose it depends on what deck you use. All the Disks Courts in the Thoth like the Knights and prince of Disks seem the most healthy looking, they have more of a rubust body type again like the princess from the other courts in this deck.

The Wands again seem quite healthy like the Queen in the Thoth say's it represents a good image type for this person, and if you look at the prince and princess of wands they are both showing off their body physic's.



I was thinking more in terms of how their respective personality types would impact their health, as opposed to how they each look on the cards. We've all known itty-bitty people who may at first glance seem healthy but upon closer examination are rather unhealthy people because of their daily habits. Does this make a difference? Maybe I'm making an unnecessary distinction...


I don't know that I would look to any of the Pents courts to be the picture of health.

One of the more sensual pleasures in life is eating - robust food and drink. Cooking is a grand way of nurturing, and I've always viewed the Queen of Pents as the archetypal "earth mother," the one who throws open the door and invites you in for a hearty meal.


All in the RX - Page and Knight of Pentacles have come up for me to mean weight problems. Emotionally unhealthy (depression) would be any Cup Royal in RX. I have Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia and Queen of Wands RX means I'm going to have a tough day. King of Cups RX, Queen too, tend to point out substance abuse problems.

I think it was Mary Greer's _Reversals_ which listed health problems -- been a while since I flipped through it.

Blessings - Seafra


Q of P

Very true about the Queen of Pentacles inviting you in for a big meal! I like this discussion either way, because it helps me wrap my brain around the different court card personalities... It seems like the Pages are the only ones who are predictably more likely to be healthy than not. Depending on the context, every King, Queen and even Knight has a "vice" that could potentially lead to an unhealthy lifestyle-- if not bad health. Right? It seems to me, though, that even if the Pentacles enjoy eating well, they would end up being the robust but still healthy type. My husband is like that-- an extremely down-to-earth man who loves to go hiking and spending time being active outdoors in general, but he also LOVES to eat. He lives primarily through his senses -- to touch, taste, feel, etc. My husband is extremely healthy, but he's a big tank of a man. On the other hand, I equate my father with the King of Swords. He's thin (runner's body) and in superior shape even now in his early 60s. He's capable of great emotion, but at the end of the day he will end up analyzing the logical pro's and con's of a given topic. He approaches his health in the same way. These are just a few more thoughts...


I have had the cup's courts show up in a mental illness context, and the pentacles' courts show up in a physical health context!!! Guess it just depends on the reading!!!


The Queen of Cups tends towards eating-disorders, mistaking food for love (binge-eating, purges).