9 of cups, anything BUT a wish....


Im trying to look at this card differently than the typical "wish card" most people use it for.

Ive had this card come up in past spreads and one i still have saved on my phone, but looking back now this wasn't talking about a wish.

As its a 9, and this is Hermit card 9. Could this be pointing to wanting to be alone like the hermit ? Like things not panning out like you "wished" so now you just want to be alone.

Im interested to know other peoples experience with this card, and what it has meant to you.

Also ive noticed on the RW card the guy is sat alone but just looks very smug with himself.


Can you remove this please mods, sorry ive accidentally posted in the wrong section.

Ive just posted it in the correct section now so don't need it moving.