A 5+ Spread for TdM


Hello fellow TdM readers! I was trying to think of a spread to replace the Celtic Cross which would preserve a "grid" pattern that I feel is essential to reading TdM.

EDIT: A URL with slightly altered numbers/order for the 5-card cross. Feel free to use whichever order makes sense to you: http://www.flickr.com/photos/75914033@N04/6967880603

Basically you draw cards 1-5 every time, then remain open to drawing cards a-f (in any order) for clarification as needed. (While it may seem you would always want to draw f, 5 should usually tell you what you need to know.)

To briefly explain why I chose the order of the central cross: The past (1) influences the present situation (2) which is also the result of a higher law, the Divine, Spirit, what have you influencing a person's mind or soul (3). These all in turn influence the querent's actions in his/her environment (4) which leads to an outcome (5). (4 is a bit up in the air as it can represent current actions being taken, or actions that should be taken. Clarifiers, surrounding cards, and intuition should help to determine how exactly to interpret 4.)

I have not used this spread much, but as soon I started it sort of clicked for me. I would be very interested if anyone would like to try it out and provide some feedback on how it works for you. Thanks.


Hello, DavidLee!
I'm so curious about this spread, but am unable to view it on Flickr (getting a "this photo is private" message when I try).
Is there any way that you could re-post the spread here on AT?


Hello, DavidLee!
I'm so curious about this spread, but am unable to view it on Flickr (getting a "this photo is private" message when I try).
Is there any way that you could re-post the spread here on AT?

Thank you for letting me know that. It should be viewable by everyone now.

I wanted to create an image because it's too hard for me to get good formatting on this message board.


Yup, the link works now!
I'm really excited to try this ~ will post my results once I do :)


One additional tip on cards 3 and 4:

As I use the spread, I find it helpful to look at both these cards as "actions" of a sort, card 3 in the mental or spiritual realm, and card 4 in the mundane or everyday world.