A Healing with Crystals and Eggs?


Dear People,

I asked God&his Angels for help to decide my further course of action, because I'm struggling with a hard auto-imuum disease and conventional medicine seems not to be working well. I keep having medication intolerances/allergies.

I dreamt that I was with a woman who was doing a Healing with me with several large Crystals (20x20cm). Some of them were Citrine, Jasper, Turquoise and... eggs? Both raw eggs and already cooked eggs.

It seemed as if the negativitiy drained into the eggs. She was surprised at the amount of trouble especially in the 2nd Chakra, because the raw egg had already congualated (sp?) really fast.

Does anybody know this kind of Healing?


P.S. The full dream is in the divination forum, under Spirit Guide Dreams.


No, but for some reason intuitively it seems to make a lot of sense to me.


Could the eggs possibly represent sulfur? Sending comforting, healing energy your way...



bodhran said:
Could the eggs possibly represent sulfur? Sending comforting, healing energy your way...


No, it was truly eggs. Thank you for your kindness in sending Healing Energy,



The first thing I thought of when I read your post was it might be a symbol to look to your diet for the answer.
You might start by eliminating dairy...milk, eggs, cheese, yogurt, ice cream, sour cream, cottage cheese, ect. and see if it makes a difference in how you feel.


Yes I ran into an article about using eggs in healing on the web search about a month ago when searching for something else altogether.
I think this is also mentioned in one of Judith Illes books either Element encyclopaedia of witchcraft or 5000 spells. I saw a photo essay on A Voodoo practice in Haiti possibly Mambo Racine with eggs being used for this There is a phillipine psychic surgery use of eggs this way too. These are not particularly crystal oriented but sure there appear to be many rituals and traditions where eggs are used to absorb negative energy and disease
Egg shaped stones are often used in massage and energy healing work because of the soft dispersion of energies and because eggs represent the Akasha /spirit /womb/ the void and Yin healing energies etc.

So your dream did tap into bring forth information images about an existing practice and the coagulation of the egg to represent degree of issue and extraction of negative energy makes great sense and is somewhat like the visualizations of roses that are occasionally used for diagnostic purposes

ana luisa

An old thread about using eggs

Kahlie, I know it doesn´t relate directly to healing but you might be interested in reading an old thread by Tongodiva called "About evil eye" in which she talks extensively about cleansing with raw eggs. Quite interesting. You can find it in the Divination forum.


I don't eat diary foods, most of the time, it's rare, except for cheese. I haven't drank milk since I was born... although now I seem to have developed a craving for it now and again, without an explanation!

thank you. So it exists, now I have to try to find it. It was such a strong dream image and very clear that it's what I need, but I feel uncomfortable trying it on myself.

ana luisa,
I think I remember that thread, I will look again.

Thank you everybody,



Use of eggs in healing...

I have seen this done once, by a curandera in El Paso, TX, but I don't know much about it. Planning to read the referenced thread of tongodiva.