A little help.. Dream with Prince and a guy with a bullet hole in his shoe

Starri Knytes

I was just reminded of this dream. I get most of it, it's the "bullet hole in the shoe guy" that I'm perplexed by..
Coty by the way, is my 3 yrs old grandson

I was getting ready to go into a midsized club.. Nothing memorable about it.. When who should come walking up but Prince.. He was with an entourage as you would expect, some faces were familiar but I can't tell you who they were..
Prince approached me and said how sorry he was to hear about Coty.. Others in the group chimed in with sympathy and inquiries about his progress.
It was very friendly.. comfortable.
Then a guy came up from the back of the group..
He was wearing a hat that was dipped low over one eye, a light color shirt that was untucked, light blue slacks and dress shoes. One shoe had a bullet hole straight through it..
He kinda laughed quietly and mumbled something like, kid probably had it coming
Prince and the others who were there took up for me.. Prince put his arm around my shoulder the way you would a friend and guided me into the club.
The group took an oval shaped booth near the dance floor. The back of the booth was about shoulder height with an aisle behind for people to make their way through the club. Everyone was chatting, having a good time. then 'bullet hole shoe' came back.. He was hovering behind our booth. He would lean in near enough that I could hear him, mumble something, then snicker to himself sarcastically. Prince could see how this was bothering me. He lean in close and said, "let's lose him on the dance floor".. With that he grabbed my hand and we quickly got lost in the crowd.

While writing I may have figured out the 'bullet hole in the shoe guy'. Still I'm interested in hearing, if anyone else has an opinion.
