A spread to find a past life's possessions?


I have done a couple of life spreads and some checking on one in particular with yet more spreads and I have a good idea of who he is, but I have one question. Has anyone ever made a spread to help them find a past life's possessions? I keep getting this feeling that I have to find his writings (he was big into writing) and I want to try to find them. Can anyone help me?


I can't say I've seen anything like that but maybe a spread to find lost possessions, or tweaking them would help... sounds interesting what you are doing tho.. Good luck!


Thanks. I think it's cool too! Yeah I was looking into those. I'm pretty sure that I would have to modify that though. Right now I just don't have the inspiration to make my own spread either.


I agree - I think any spread to find lost items would work. It's how you phrase your question that would change things just a tad... ;) I just glanced in my 'Past-Life & Karmic Tarot' book & didn't find anything specific for your purpose.


Yeah. I think I'm going to try that! Thanks.