a waking dream?


A few days ago someting happened to me at work. I went down to the coffee shop to get a cup of coffee as I always do mid-morning. As I was stirring the milk into my coffee I was observing two men who were standing close by. They were tourists and I'd never seen them before. I couldn't stop looking at one of them because he reminded me so much of someone who means a lot to me. It was particularly his eyes I was drawn to. This man had an aura about him that made me realize the inner and outer beauty of the man I know even more than usual. But it also reminded me quite painfully of the gae gap between us. This is something that seems to be bothering me but I usually keep it under wraps.

On the whole though this was a magical and beautiful moment, something that I experienced with great intensity, like a waking dream. I have moments like that now and again and I wonder whether they can or should be read like dreams. Any thoughts?


BrightEye said:
A few days ago someting happened to me at work. I went down to the coffee shop to get a cup of coffee as I always do mid-morning. As I was stirring the milk into my coffee I was observing two men who were standing close by. They were tourists and I'd never seen them before. I couldn't stop looking at one of them because he reminded me so much of someone who means a lot to me. It was particularly his eyes I was drawn to. This man had an aura about him that made me realize the inner and outer beauty of the man I know even more than usual. But it also reminded me quite painfully of the gae gap between us. This is something that seems to be bothering me but I usually keep it under wraps.

On the whole though this was a magical and beautiful moment, something that I experienced with great intensity, like a waking dream. I have moments like that now and again and I wonder whether they can or should be read like dreams. Any thoughts?

hey BE :)

I have that happen to me a few times, those experiences are like suspended moments from reality, we are in another plane for a split second, like we do in dreams more freely.

I have had that happen while sitting in nature, when I felt literally in another state of consciousness, where everything was clearer, I felt connected to all and everything, that there was no difference between Heaven and Earth, all in one and in a continuum of time, no past, no present.Very vivid, and very difficult to express in words.

So, yes...I believe we can experience those altered states in conscious life, and I would read that as a spiritual experience, like most dreams also are, where you sensed deeply the essence of this person you love.

I hope this made sense :)


Yes, that made sense. I wonder why we have these experiences. Are they something like what Jung called synchronicity? Are they trying to draw our attention to an aspect of ourselves that we need to pay attention to?


BrightEye said:
Yes, that made sense. I wonder why we have these experiences. Are they something like what Jung called synchronicity? Are they trying to draw our attention to an aspect of ourselves that we need to pay attention to?

well, for me , I see them as spiritual experiences, like we get in touch again with our soul truth....as souls we are existing in different planes. I believe that those experiences are a glimpse of a bigger reality, like our souls is able to show us that on the conscious/ego level we live in....for a moment we reconnect with Spirit and we can see a bigger picture, and the underlying spiritual truth of what we are experiencing. I hope this made sense.


magenta said:
well, for me , I see them as spiritual experiences, like we get in touch again with our soul truth....as souls we are existing in different planes. I believe that those experiences are a glimpse of a bigger reality, like our souls is able to show us that on the conscious/ego level we live in....for a moment we reconnect with Spirit and we can see a bigger picture, and the underlying spiritual truth of what we are experiencing. I hope this made sense.
Yes, that makes sense.