Ace and Page of Swords in relationship readings


What would the Ace of Swords and Page of Swords mean concerning relationships readings in general, not necessarily romance, however romance is on her mind. Especially if the cards are positioned next to each other.

I got these cards in a reading. If you need to view what position these cards where placed in order to give a correct interpretation of the cards, then look at the reading here:


With these two cards together, I would say that someone has either come to the realization of some kind of truth concerning the other person, or one of them has shared something very bare and truth-telling, but the other needs more information in order to proceed. In a new relationship, this could be a discovery of not simply feelings but a mental awareness about those feelings, such as recognizing in a powerful way that one is indeed desirous of beginning a relationship with the other. Conversely, it could be that one of them found out something about the other which then starts them thinking on a whole 'nother path about him/her.

The Ace, therefore, is tempered by the Page who needs to find out more before acting and really *see* the proof of what was said before proceeding.