Ace of Pentacles and The High Priestess


Tarot of the Old Path
Five card spread

General day reading

Ace of Pentacles and the High Priestess as the final outcome.

I have to admit I'm stumped by this one, they seem at total odds with each other. The Ace of Pentacles is an earthy grounded card whilst the High Priestess is a spiritual card concerned with the inner life.

Could it signal a gift from the Goddess maybe? I'm a Wiccan.

Iz stumped.

crazy raven

Perhaps it's saying ground your energy (Ace of Pentacles) so you may get beneath the surface and look within (High Priestess)


It could be that the outcome is going to move you/the querant into a whole new direction with new beginnings, grounded in the physical plane, but the High Priestess is not going to unveil what exactly that is to you, yet!


Outcome, Ace of Pentacles...there s an opportunity, but the High Priestess will do nothing, she will let it go, the time is not right.


It could be that the outcome is going to move you/the querant into a whole new direction with new beginnings, grounded in the physical plane, but the High Priestess is not going to unveil what exactly that is to you, yet!

I hdn't thought of that, it makes sense, the High Priestess is a very mysterious woman, full of secrets to be told.


Outcome, Ace of Pentacles...there s an opportunity, but the High Priestess will do nothing, she will let it go, the time is not right.

Ok, that's intriguing, I wonder what that is? Thanks.


In esoteric Tarot, the High Priestess does indeed represent the Goddess, regardless of what name she may have in the different traditions and regardless of her "meaning" in pop Tarot divination. The meaning of the card encompasses whatever activities the Goddess is capable of in your tradition. She most emphatically does not do "nothing," and her activities are not limited to inner spiritually, since, among other things, she obviously controls the lunar phases, the tides, menstrual cycles, etc. Wicca is an earth based religion, and the primary concern of the Goddess is with earthly matters. Wicca should not be confused with New Age notions of spirituality.

The Ace of Pentacles is the prototype of the Earth element, the principle of materiality.

Since I am not a fortune teller, I have no idea what this card combination may mean for you personally. Perhaps it is just directing your attention to certain practical matters of concern.