Ace of Swords as a loving connection?


Hey everyone, I would like some advice on the Ace of Swords. I have been having a ton of love readings in regards to a romantic interest and the Ace of Swords keeps popping up. So much so, that I have interpreted it myself (and with advice from other's who have read for me) that it can indicate similar thoughts to the querent or a mental-loving connection. For instance, if I asked what X thinks of me- I would see something like: Empress, Ace of Swords, Strength....I would think that this would mean that X would think the same of the querent and vice versa, mutual admiration, if that makes sense? What do you think the Ace of Swords can mean in a love reading? Or for feelings?


Moderator Note


Per the UTC Posting Rules, you must provide interpretations for all cards you list when asking for help with interpretations. As you have not done that, a response has been hidden. Please either interpret the extra cards you've listed or remove them from your post.

Other posters, feel free to post about the card in the thread title, but please hold off on discussing any other cards until they're interpreted by pdmishh.

rwcarter, co-Moderator of Using Tarot Cards


Ace of Swords is direction. you KNOW where you want this to go. The other cards are important here, so post an example reading soon, so we can see what they are telling you. Possibilities are that you are being pushy about this relationship. You see it as LINEAR and maybe it isn't. Also: AofS is cutting through the crap, so maybe it is pointing out problems in this relationship. Again, we need to see other cards.



For me the ace of swords in a love reading could speak of an intense, powerful beginning to a relationship. Maybe just a purely physical one from the start.
It can also signify some problems, but that they will only be small, and not to make mountains out of molehills.
And lastly, perhaps cutting through the b.s. and straightforward communications, thoughts and choices.

Hope this helps! :)