Aeon (Judgement) in New Job Inquiry


I've had Aeon pop up a good four times now in the same position, but I can't quite place what it means here...

I've been waiting on pins and needles to hear back about an application I sent off for an amazing possible new job a week and a half ago. I've been pestering my Haindl about it in my impatience, and it keeps indicating that the results will be positive. However, I keep getting Aeon (Judgement) in the position for "What is happening on their side regarding this position? What stage of the process are they at?"

I know that in the Haindl, Aeon is meant to represent rebirth, that there is/will be a great change of some kind that must be accepted and can happen quickly, etc. But I'm not quite sure how to apply it to the situation.

Anyone out there know the Haindl and have some insight on interpreting this particular card?


What is happening is that they are about to reach a decision. You will find out soon:)


And the decision looks to be positive.