Am I the Rune Prude?


While reading the rune website, I couldn't help but notice the references to "blooding" the self-made rune set. I am not keen at all on the idea. I know this is tradition and assists in bonding with the runes, but, with all due respect, I am really hoping that this step can be optional. Are there any alternatives, or does my squeamishness prevent me from working closely with the runes?

-- Kyrielle


I don't blood.

However you must do, whatever it is that you must do, to get your mind 'right'.

Some folks do, some folks don't.

A lot of folks that don't...just never 'get' runes, they never 'click'...cuz their mind ain't right.

So you need to ask your you click? Do you 'get them'? Is there a relationship there?