Are the Cards Wrong?


I have a question for those of you who are experienced readers: what do you do when the cards show you an outcome that is contradicted by what actually happens?

I asked the cards about the future outcome of a situation that was unpleasant. (This Mercury retrograde has not been easy!) The cards indicated that information would be coming from a person involved in the situation that pointed to a celebration and a victory.

However, the information that came from the person was the opposite of what the cards said would happen. The negative outcome happened, not the celebration the cards predicted. The outcome was completely outside of my control, so whatever practical breakthrough would have had to come from another party. I know that sometimes things happen to change the outcome, but taking action in this instance was not something I had control over.

What advice do you have for these types of situations? I am interested in looking back to glean what I can from this situation for future understanding.



I have a question for those of you who are experienced readers: what do you do when the cards show you an outcome that is contradicted by what actually happens?

I asked the cards about the future outcome of a situation that was unpleasant. (This Mercury retrograde has not been easy!) The cards indicated that information would be coming from a person involved in the situation that pointed to a celebration and a victory.

However, the information that came from the person was the opposite of what the cards said would happen. The negative outcome happened, not the celebration the cards predicted. The outcome was completely outside of my control, so whatever practical breakthrough would have had to come from another party. I know that sometimes things happen to change the outcome, but taking action in this instance was not something I had control over.

What advice do you have for these types of situations? I am interested in looking back to glean what I can from this situation for future understanding.


It would help me to know what the cards were. But then that might put us in a Your Readings area.

For what it's worth, some readers seem to be more skilled (or lucky, or psychic, or whatever) than others with predictive readings. I personally don't do much in the way of this type of reading.

Also, maybe the breakthrough you're waiting for hasn't happened yet.


I have a question for those of you who are experienced readers: what do you do when the cards show you an outcome that is contradicted by what actually happens?

I asked the cards about the future outcome of a situation that was unpleasant. (This Mercury retrograde has not been easy!) The cards indicated that information would be coming from a person involved in the situation that pointed to a celebration and a victory.

However, the information that came from the person was the opposite of what the cards said would happen. The negative outcome happened, not the celebration the cards predicted. The outcome was completely outside of my control, so whatever practical breakthrough would have had to come from another party. I know that sometimes things happen to change the outcome, but taking action in this instance was not something I had control over.

What advice do you have for these types of situations? I am interested in looking back to glean what I can from this situation for future understanding.

Perhaps it was the reader and not the cards?


Sometimes the person doing the outcome is of that frame of mind but you the receiver have another viewpoint.

Perhaps they're now telling others of a victory worth celebrating.


This is a very interesting question. There are certainly times when I really WISH the cards were wrong but can't say for sure that they are or not.

I'd say to make sure that you are considering ALL the possible meanings for the cards and how they might impact each other's meanings. But I have had an obvious "wrong" answer (asking yes or no on the outcome of the last presidential election so pretty clear cut outcome there!) and I have had a case where the final outcome really was contrary to what I expected based on the cards I had drawn.

I should mention that I'm not super experienced at Tarot though.


"Are the cards wrong?"

Since you said that the outcome was the "opposite" of what you saw in the cards, I would ask you if you read with reversals. If you don't, then I'd give thought to how you determine the more negative energies associated with any given card. If you are reading only the more positive upright "meanings" all the time, that could lead to a less-than-accurate read. If you're reading the full scope (upright and reversed) "meanings" into the cards intuitively, then somehow your intuition is being compromised sometimes (which happens to everyone sometimes, by the way.) Even if you are turning the cards so that some come up reversed, there is still a wide scope of "meanings" for upright/reversed cards, as well--from blocked, delayed, reversed, and sometimes close-to opposite meanings to the upright energies.

Mostly, though, I would agree with usually isn't the cards, it's the misinterpretation by the reader. No one is "accurate" all the time, no matter how you do it or how long you've been doing it. It's not an exact science by any stretch...


if the outcome is opposite what the cards said I wonder if you could look or meditate with the same cards out sometime and maybe see if there is anything that might fit what really happened? I don't mean that in a patronising way but I have gone back when they seem really inaccurate and actually there was more scope and meanings than I thought. It was a learning experience for me. or have a good search on the forums and google at all the different meanings to them. you could post it in your readings, other peoples take on them might inspire you!

also what Carla said, is this situation finished? could they prove themselves right in the end?

finally I don't think anyone is 100% right all the time. I have done spreads for situations that have been amazingly accurate but other times completely wrong! it's annoying but don't give up :) I have had them at their least accurate if I ask yes / no questions. like "will this situation go well?" the tarot can only give a yes or no answer and other people have found on the forums that it can give really crazy results for yes/ no! You could change that question to something like how will this *the situation* go? phrasing the question is really important