Bildungsroman (Coming of Age/Story Creation) Spread


This spread is from the Tarot of Jane Austen book by Diane Wilkes. I'm sure it works well to read for regular issues, but I have found it to be my favorite story creation spread!

Diane Wilkes said:
Bildungsroman Spread

The term Bildungsroman refers to a specific literary genre, the novel of education/formation within the context of a defined social order. The principal subject is the moral, psychological, and intellectual development of a usually youthful main character. Jane Austen’s novels are all Bildungsromans. This spread utilizes the vessel of story, as well as the ingredients for self-actualization.

1. Protagonist – the person for whom the reading is conducted

2. Theme – the theme or current life-lesson of the protagonist

3. Right Partner – qualities/characteristics of the “ideal” partner for the protagonist

4. Work Ethic/Fulfillment – the kind of work that will fulfill the protagonist

5. Healthy Connection to/Understanding of Roots – Approach to making peace with the past

6. Spiritual Fulfillment – What the protagonist needs to attain spiritual satisfaction

Those of you who study the esoteric tarot recognize that these four levels of “formation,” interestingly enough, correspond to the Kabbalistic four worlds: Right partnership, Yetzirah; work ethic/fulfillment, Briah; value of roots, Assiyah; and spiritual fullfillment, Atziluth.


[1 and 2 are laid out horizontally (sideways).]

Künstleroman Spread

A variation for artists on the previous spread is the Künstleroman Spread. A Künstleroman is similar to a Buldungsroman, but speaks to the artist’s path of formation.

Let me know how it works for you!