Blake Tarot of the Creative Imagination


Why, oh why is it SO expensive? (sob....) I was hoping to get one off ebay but the price got too high.... over 50 pounds sterling - $150 Australian. Is it worth that much? Possibly... I'll have to think about it for next time. I feel sure it will help me with my writing and art.

I notice this with quite a few decks - out of print and selling for a fortune. Why doesn't the publisher wake up to lost opportunity and reprint?

Just how good is the Blake tarot? Have you got it and love it, and use it constantly?

Has anyone come across any really good scans of the artwork? (or got any they could email me?)



Don't be taken in by the insanely high prices on eBay.

You can get the William Blake tarot set directly from Ed Buryn, the deck's creator, through I just checked now, and there are copies available for 49.95 USD.

I bought mine from Ed last year. I really love both the deck and the book, but haven't spent much time with the deck yet . . . there are just so many others that I enjoy reading with, and I'm not sure that the Blake tarot would suit me as an everyday reading deck.


oh really! I'd had a look on Amazon, and at first I wasn't sure, because with them it can be hard to tell if you are looking at book, deck or set. They had 'new and used from $150' on one link, which I think was the set...

well I'll go check out Abebooks - thanks so much for telling me about that!

I don't see it as an 'everyday' sort of Tarot but more for helping me with the creative process, so quite a specific use, really. I'd found it on one of those online reading sites somewhere. It seemed really interesting, I love the idea of suits of poetry and painting.



I've always wanted this deck. Thanks for the heads up on abebooks. I can now afforded it!


This is info that I posted on a William Blake thread a while back. There are a few threads on this deck if you search for them. The info is as follows:

You could try contacting Ed Buryns (he was very quick to respond by e-mail when I contacted him with a question about the deck before I bought it)

Ed Buryn Books
P.O. Box 720
Nevada City, C.A.

Phone: 530-265-8646
Fax: 530-265-8646

All the best,