boat & swimming dream


The latest dream was that I was on a boat and landed at a small harbour. I could see the lights of the town quite far away and started walking towards them. I was alone, there were no other people.
Then the road went into the sea and I was swimming along still heading for the lights and the people. A lady passed me swimming the other way and we said hi (LOL!)
In all the dream she was the only other person I saw. I cant remember how it finished.


If this was not an astral projection dream maybe its telling you your desire to go somewhere (holiday) or take a new direction in life. However when you try you end up swimming in a current (going with the flow in life) after having started on a sure footing. Or are you going wherever life takes you? Whatever it is I think its good you are swimming and not drowning in the dream. That means the swimmer is strong and capable and adaptable to any obsatcles along the way. Meeting someone along the way and saying hi casually means you taking everything in your stride or you not worried. Hope that helps some way in interpreting it further :) ...


Yes, true. I feel ok about this one because I was swimming along fine and not worried. TY !


Water can represent the conscious mind.

Perhaps your swimming along happily towards your destiny(lights of town)your heaven. The other person may have been on their way back into waking consciousness.

Who knows ('cept you)


My mind has a mind of its own. God knows what it gets up to .:)