Books By DJ Conway


I was wondering if people here had Crystal Enchantments and Laying on Of Stones by DJ Conway, and what they thought by them. These books look intriguing to me, however, I am wary of these books, as others by this author seem to be not well thought out, baseless and plagarized.

What are your thoughts on these books? Are they sound in their information, or are they even worth my money?

Thanks in advance!


Phoenix, I don't know about Conway's crystal books, but I have found her "Animal Magick" and "Magickal, Mythical, Mystical Beasts" to be both well done and quite helpful. I was not aware she had any books on crystal magick. Sorry I could not be of help with your question, but I hope others are, because you now have me curious too.



I remember looking through this book pretty thoroughly at the bookshop and thinking the majority of the information can be found elsewhere with better presentation.

I would recommend Scott Cunningham's "Crystal, Gem, and Metal Magic" as a much better beginner's guide to minerals.

My opinion of Conway's books is mixed. I like "Dancing With Dragons," and the one Bluemanticore mentioned about the mythical beasts. Her moon lore book (might be called "Moon Magick" unless that's the one by Edain McCoy) is also interesting. I did not like her books on Celtic magic/shamanism.
