Buckland "Gypsy F/T" (NOT Romani) Deck OOP


Hi, Gang!

I thought I'd share a quick piece of news from Llewellyn: anyone who has been interested in Raymond Buckland's "Gypsy Fortune-Telling Deck"but hasn't purchased it yet may want to do so soon. Llewellyn has officially discontinued this title, so once current retailer supplies are sold out, it may be difficult to come by.

Just so there's no confusion: this is a different deck than Buckland's "Romani" tarot, which is illustrated by Lissanne Lake. The latter is still in-print, and readily available.

-- Jeannette
Sharpei Diem: Sieze the wrinkle dog.


Just to add, the Buckland Fortune-Telling Deck is a 78-card deck, like a Tarot deck except the Majors are totally non-standard, featuring scenes of Rom (Gypsy) life. The Minors are playing cards, and the Courts are double-ended like playing cards and feature portraits of Roms. The deck is a recreation of a homemade deck Buckland's grandmother used.

-- Lee


Thanks for providing the additional details, Lee. To be honest, I'd never even seen the cards before -- just pictures of the packaging in the Llewellyn catalog.

-- Jeannette


Here is a review with card scans.

I believe the review refers to an earlier printing (it's been OOP for a while) with a different name, but the cards were the same, although with different backs. The one I own is the latest version, the one now going out of print.

-- Lee


good idea!

if you like buckland's work, this is a good item to grab...
i have both decks, and his stuff is nice to round out a collection.