Can a spread just show you your fears instead of whats going on?


Because I think thats what my relationship spread, that I needed help with did Im thinking that maybe all the cards up to the 10 of swords are telling me what i fear is happening, and the 10 of swords is saying, cut it out you have nothing to worry about, because i confronted him lads night and he assured me I have nothing to worry about (and yes i know i can believe him because of the way he works), im thinking it might be telling me if i keep it up ill drive us apart, the spread is a few posts away asking for expert advice if you wanr to check it out


I think a reading can be affected by any strong emotion, especially if it clouds the question to be answered.

That's one reason why the best readings come after you've been grounded and centered.

That's also why I don't often do readings about myself. Its not that I have ethical issues about it, its just hard to be objective when personal feelings get in the way.



I agree with divinerguy.

To add to what he said, try to avoid reading the cards when in a high emotional state. Fears can not only affect a reading, but strong hopes can as well. I recently read for a friend who was really hoping for something. The cards seemed to suggest that he would get what he desired, but it didn't actually end up happening.

If I'm doing a reading for myself I make sure I am very calm, and try not to think too hard about the question when I'm shuffling/drawing cards. If I am having trouble being objective with my reading, I pretend that I'm reading for someone else.

Also, I do agree with divinerguy about not reading for yourself too often. I generally only read for myself maybe once a month, unless something comes up which I really want to do a reading on. If you find yourself doing too many self readings, it's easy to get caught up in the subjectivity.

One more point, doing too many readings on the same subject/question is not really a great idea either. This can lead to your hopes/fears showing through in the spread; besides that, it will probably leave you feeling even more confused than before you did a reading.

Anyway, I hope this helps.


I agree with Divinerguy & Lilliana. In the presence of any strong feelings or thoughts, the issue tends to get clouded. Instead of clarity, there is confusion with conflicting information which makes it more difficult to get an accurate picture.
It is possible to give oneself a "wish fulfillment" throw; that is, a spread that reflects one's state of being, whether it is fearful, doubtful or expectant. Divinerguy mentions an important prerequisite regarding this--that of grounding & centering first before attempting any reading to avoid unduly influencing the spread.
I prefer to do few self readings & rely on daily cards to keep in touch. That way, there is less of a chance of being subjective. I also read for myself as if I am reading for someone else when it seems appropriate.
Frequent readings create confusion; blur the edges between reality & illusion. After a time, the cards will not respond appropriately & the results are conflicting to downright gibberish.