Can you make something happen?


Hi Everyone -

For a while, I would visualize a man who had a certain look, personality and demeanor. It made me feel happy and comforted to think of a guy who was nice to me and we'd cook together, have long discussions, drink good wine, etc. This comforted me when I was feeling down. Now, last night I met someone who pretty much fit the visualized physical description and we talked for 3 hours and found we had a lot of common interests. I'm seeing him this weekend, I don't know where its headed, but I'm not too worried. I really have no expectations, just to have fun and maybe make a new friend. But I wonder, did I attract this through my visualizations? Have you ever wanted to receive a phone call and visualized that person calling you and then it happened?

Also, I wonder if I could deter or discourage something from happening? For example, if I have fears and negative feelings for a situation, although I'd want it to turn out well, can I make it turn out according to my fears if I picture it turning out badly? Like, if I can't visualize myself succeeding in a job interview and I let my fear of failure become part of the picture, can I make myself fail?

Is this about intent? Positive thinking? Manifestation? Any thoughts? I'm curious!

~ january


The world is your mirror. It reflects what you project.
So yes?it really is all you.

Most folks just don?t get it.

The objection of course is that sometimes things happen that are beyond your control?so what do you do with it????

Most folks do not expect miracles or magic, so they never see it when it happens. Most folks cannot count their blessings because they are too blind to see them.

But you my friend (I caught it when you discussed the King of Cups)?
Are you newly awakened?or has it been awhile and you are just beginning to notice?



Angel Star

:)Yes you most definitely visualized this into manifestation. You must be really good at it. For me its a bit harder I need more props to manifest things besides visulization. Like positive affirmation and writing down what I want into a complete formate to manifest it. Wow for you. Hope this man turns out to be something special for you. Sounds like it already is. How long did you visualize this? Just curious as to the time facture. And yes if your thinking the negative, alot you can manifest not so good outcomes. Like attracts like. Good luck in future visualizations.


I think you just cast a spell!! That's all a spell is, visualization. You just have to believe in it enough and it will come true!


On the other hand...maybe this guy was visualising you really, really hard...!

We make the world we live in...the difficulty is when we are all doing it at the same time...;)

Mystick Dragon

After Patches died, I visualised a black, wolf-like border collie, and that's what I got a month later!



Looking over my diaries from the past couple of years, I've noticed that when I truly wanted something to happen (even if I didn't realize I wanted it), I would fanatsize about it constantly. I would go over scenarios of how this could happen and how I wanted it to happen in my head - while driving, riding the train or as I was falling asleep (right brain activity!). What I think the key is that I never would have a bad feeling or throw any obstalces into my vision. I play it out in my head over and over and over and it would make me comfortable and happy. Yes, I think I did make a few things happen!

I have, over that past year or so, become very mindful of my thoughts and what energy I put out into the universe. And I learned that you can't just think about it, you need to feel good and comfortable about it while you're "thinking". Most of this has happened by accident and blamed it on serendipity, but now I'm trying to.. how would I say it, consciously manifest well-thought intention?

Well, I don't know what will happen with this guy. I began visualizing "the perfect guy" about six months ago or so, pretty much out of survival of my ego. I would think about it as I feel asleep or when I needed to reassure myself there is someone out there for me. It's too early to tell if he's the "perfect guy" and I'm content to just take things in stride. I'm just soooo aware of every thought I have and every dream I produce. And yes, Malachite, he may have been visualizing me, too! (He did tell me he writes down all of his dreams!)


~ january


You know, I was once told, "Be sure that what you want is really the right thing. How do you know you have not got your head screwed on backwards, and the one thing you want is the one thing you cannot live with?"

I just like to think (and live) that the world is your mirror.

Keep it going...(ain't it amazing what a smile can do?)