cards signifying one who has passed on


Which cards, other than the obvious death card, signify one who has passed on, in your experience?

Thanks in advance,



Hi paw, in my personal experience I haven't had 'special' cards specifically signifying a person that has passed on. Instead I got cards signifying the person as they would a living one, e.g. court cards. And then other cards around could hint at that fact. I've never seen the death card as a dead person myself, but I suppose someone could.


It seems to come up in the reading itself, perhaps something in the image of a particular card from a particular deck.

So there is no one card that signifies this, imho. It's more about how YOU see it.


i agree with both posts already posted here. the only way i've ever been able to 'assign' a card to a deceased person is when i did a spread specifically designed to contact such. then using this spread, i interpreted the cards within the spread and allowed the client to determine who they felt it represented.

have you tried using any of the spreads contained in this site that are specifically designed to contact the deceased?


I got an Emperor card as a main event for November. I took it as something concerning an influential man or a someone who was an Aries will enter my life. It end up being that my uncle died and he was an Aries. But I didn't get a Death Card. On the day he died, or really discovered to be dead in his home, I got a Page of Wands card when I did a daily time spread for the Evening section of the spread. I didn't do reversals, so I assumed that I was going to hear some exciting, happy news (not really about his death because I wasn't thinking about him at all that day.) Someone called to tell me that he had expired in his home due to natural causes. If I had done reversals that day, I am sure that I would have gotten a Reversed Page Wands.

Funny thing though, no one had heard from my uncle for almost a week, and it worried my grandmother a bit. I use Karen Garen (or whatever her name is) with her Tarot Made Easy book. I use her book as a tarot oracle. When I pulled a card for him with a Physical Body section, it said that he health was fine. That was a few days before he got the news that he died and since he died at home, we don't know when he actually expired. It could have been a few days to a week. So it makes me wonder, if someone had already passed on to the next life and you do a tarot reading on them, would the card show their state of mind,feelings and existence in the afterlife. Or possibly when I did that reading, he didn't die yet? Who knows. I haven't tried doing tarot on the departed yet.

But I assume that a 10 Swords could possibly mean that someone had died already. Like death had already happened. There is no more dying process. All the 10 swords stuck in the man's back means so dead that there is not turning back. Not even a chance for medical experts to revive that person.

I think if you get a card that reminds you of a person, I think you should do a clarification reading. 1.What this card means, 2. what this card doesn't mean and 3. result/outcome for clarification that will reflect back on the card you need clarification on.

I know from my experience that Reverse, 10 Pentacles means that one needs to care for an elderly person because they are sick. Like the young needs to take care of the old as a family responsibility.

If you get an Empress or Hermit, it could mean that a pregnant woman and/or her baby may be extremely sick or die (especially true if you use reversal) and Hermit could be a sick or dying elderly person (when using reversal).

I am not sure if Reverse Star or Reverse Sun could mean that someone is out of hope or depressed that they would commit suicide.

I am refusing to do general readings now, because I have predicted so many deaths (from the Tarot Made Easy books) thinking that they will be family members, which would make me depress for a week and they end up being my mom's friend's family members dying. This has happened about 7 times since Fall of 2006. The book says that close friends of the family can be considered family. I don't need that stress of me trying to figure out someone in my family is going to day or not. I am at a point where I stop doing family spreads or health spreads unless it is concerning myself.

For myself, I am only going to do romance, readings on my weightloss (I am testing that out right now!) and money readings. No readings on other people close to me.


I had an experience with this!
I received a phone message from someone I haven't talked to in a while - she said there was something she'd like to talk to me about and could I call her ASAP?

Well, I got the message late at night...and didn't want to call.
I did a few spreads and got the following cards repeating:

Ten of Swords
Three of Swords
6 of Wands
Come to find out a mutual friend died and she had news about when/where the funeral was.


pew said:
Which cards, other than the obvious death card, signify one who has passed on, in your experience?
You've gotten some good advice so far. As said, all cards can apply IF you're doing a reading on, say, a long-lost uncle. But if you're talking about a reading that tells you if your sick, 98 year-old great-great aunt has finally left this earlthy plane....


Possibly the Moon card which would relate to ghosts and spirits.


For me, The Fool signified one who had passed on & begun a new journey.


King of Pentacles

I understand in readings for myself that the King of Pentacles represents my deceased husband. That is who he was in life in all my readings. My most recent Celtic Cross reading had the King of Pentacles in position 1, crossed by the 2Wands in position 2, and 10Swords in position 3 "what lies beneath". Couldn't be clearer to me that he was dead and there is no turning back from it.