children spreads


Hi, I have a close friend who has a daughter, she wants to know if she ¡s going to have more babies. Can somebody help me with a spread? or which cards means babies (pages?...) Thanks


I don't know any spread that could give you that kind of info, but I think there could be one on the Tarot Spread Index.

About cards that mean babies, I think that The Empress and the Queen of pentacles could be a good sign, I'm not too sure about pages.



Queen of Cups and The Empress are children cards in my humble opinion :)
Try the Pregnancy Prediction Flower's located in the tarot spread index...I've used it loads of times and it's a nice little spread :)


my Seed and Flower spread for children


1) The 'Seed' - Deep within the earth - A desire not yet a reality - A hope or even perhaps a doubt

2) Probability - To be or not to be - Children or not - How many or none at all or none to follow from what you have now

3) Probability - To be or not to be - Children or not - How many or none at all or none to follow from what you have now

4) Who you will be when/ if you do conceive

5) Who the father will be when/ if you do conceive

6) Problems which you could encounter

7) How you will develop as a result of what the cards predict

8) The 'flower' - Either a rose or a weed - To flourish or perish in your own garden - The out come



Thank you, I'm going to try this one (anonymous artist) and read the directions that you gave me Lain 82. Thank you again