Clairyoyant Reading


Hi all,

i had a very upsetting experience today that I would like to tell you all about . Ok, today my girlfriend and i went to a 'new age' fair and first up when we got there we got given tickets to win a free tarot card reading so before the drawing of the winners I decided to try a palm reader who was spot on with everything he had told me and also what he said had resonated within myself. Afterwards I felt fulfilled and really didn't want to try anything else but then I found out i had won the free sitting with a tarot/clairvoyant, although I didn't feel like having one, i thought, 'oh well it's free so might as well', so I tried to think of a question and when i did i sat down with one, whom I didn't want to get (I wanted another who was there but she was not available at the time of my reading) anyway this tarot reader said everything that was not related to me one bit. Total rubbish! When i kept telling her she wasn't reading about me, she said that all she gets is messages and visions and obviously psychics can sometimes pick-up on people's energys that are very close to the client (the things she said seemed to fit more with my best friend, but I wasn't that sure) anyway, i felt very upset after the reading, and realized i shouldn't had taken it as I was totally happy with my palm reading previously. This tarot card reader said to me that she doesn't really use her cards either they are used more from a spritiual plane, though when she did tell me to pick some cards the actual cards themselves were more correct than her pyschic feelings, visions were 100% wrong!) I walked out of there pretty annoyed and it played on my mind for awhile when i realised how easy it is to listen to somebody else and forget to listen to what your inner voice is telling you. How could anybody know myself better"? How can she justify that I don't maybe really know myself and that her reading was right and that I should take heed? I know and always feel what is right for me and when this happened to me today, I realized that people like this can really distract you from your path, when they think what they tell you is releveant and important to your life and warn you in some sense. I think nobody has the right to insist whether they're psychic or not that they're vision, messages from the gods are for you. Only you and you alone can know and discern the truth if you are in touch and listen to that voice within. I feel and know deep down that what i do is right and the results I get prove me right time and time again. Todays experience is quite painful but at the same time a valuable lesson to me. Trust thy self, says the oracle. Thank you for taking the time to read my post i hope to hear your replies.


Hi Joe,

Sorry that you?ve had a bad experience with your reading,
I?m a Clairvoyant but I don?t do readings anymore BUT I must say I would never work/ go to a psychic fair again. I had to pay a lot of money just for the table for the day and it?s like a cattle market with all the other readers there trying to make up for the table money. All I was thinking about was ????? I will never go there again. My main aim is to help people not take their money.

I also went to a well know fair in London a few years ago and I had the same experience as you.
If at anytime you are not happy with your reading even if it?s free say so as some Clairvoyant?s think they are guru?s but they are just like me and you. I even asked back for my money a few times as I was told total rubbish which had nothing to do with me at all.

I must admit that I was totally addicted to having readings because it was a hobby and still is but I no longer feel the need for a Clairvoyant to tell me what I already know. It?s up to you to change your future not them. I now use my energy for my own self growth.

Have a look at spirituality/ my amazing sitting & spirituality/ what can we pick up about each other.

I?ve had sooooooooooooo many reading over the last 10 years and I?m not going to have anymore even the last 2 sittings that I had was very uplifting and did help me come out of my depression. But as you say you know what?s best for you and trust yourself as you are the best Clairvoyant. That?s why I became one!

Also if your not happy with a reading report them, people like that needs to me stamped out for good. I?ve had a few sittings when the Clairvoyant couln?t pick up anything about me for what ever reason but they was honest and gave me back my money.



I'm no expert, but I have to agree with FP. It's important to remember that psychics or clairvoyants are just regular people like you and me. Sorry you had such a bad experience. Just remember that everyone has bad days-- even the ones you pay!

It is *very* likely from what you described that this person was not reading you, even though you were sitting right in front of her. Someone elses energy might have been desperate for a reading and sort of shoved yours out of the way. What if it was the person who really WANTED to win that reading? It could happen.

I've found that when the information really hits home, or is even surprising, then it is ringing a bell of truth that you already have within you. Just take with you what felt good and made sense. That was the information you went there for.