coming love interest spread


For position 1 the 10 of swords was drawn.
This position is to answer who.

I'm not sure what this means. Is the deck laughing/mocking me.

Thanks in advance

oh and position 2
his/her job was 5 cups

I'm quite boggled.


You have to put your interpretations of those cards before anyone can help ya. Just a heads up :)


I was using the "coming love interest" as from Aeclectic Tarot book;
a 12 card spread.

position 1 says "who" it will be. I don't have any idea
how to put a "who" on a 10 of swords. Using the sign of
the card and it's corresponding decan I get 3rd decan of mutable
air which is geminii or lovers and sun which sun.
Maybe that's it, the new interest will be a late June geminii

Sun modified by lovers, as per Heidrick, is enduring friendship.
So that might suggest an old friend?

If I consider stock interoperations, like from 13's book,
it suggests the new interest will someone that tries to kill me.

Really, what I was hoping to see in reply is what
the 10 of swords actually turned out to be in others readings,
regardless of the spread when that card represented "who".

So then, what kind of occupation is a 5 of cups? A professional
break-up artist?

--Thanks Again


I'm using the universal Waite deck.


Moderator note

Hi Mathetes,

Welcome to Your Readings :).

Please take a look at the posting guidelines which are in a sticky thread at the top of this forum or by clicking HERE (click).

We ask that people posting readings here actually post the whole reading along with their interpretations and this is because each card in a reading can have an effect on the others.

Could you please post all of the reading?
I've removed some replies and these will be returned to the thread when this has been done.

Could other posters please wait?


Sulis - Your Readings co-moderator


The full spread

Thanks for the heads-up. Would have posted sooner but life happens.

The whole spread was
1: Who is the coming interest -- 10 swords
2: His/Her work or job -- 5 Cups
3: His/Her Quality -- 2 Cups
4: His/Her Flaw -- Empress
5: His/Her Look -- Queen Swords
6: What s/he will think of you -- Queen Cups
7: What you will think of him/her first time you meet: 8 wands
8: His/her feelings for you -- Strength
9: Your feelings for him/her -- hanged man
10: The strength of your relationship -- 9 cups
11: The weakness of your relationship -- The sun
12: Love potential for long term - reversed hermit