Conquering The Court - Page Wands


Welcome to the first in the 16 part series of Conquering the Court - Once and For All!

For many of us, the court cards are the most difficult to interpret. Some us, myself included, do not even use them. So here we will go through them individually. Feel free to add anything you want. I'd like for us to all learn enough to confidently read with the courts!!

(the following is from my immensely lacking notes!)
We begin with the Page of Wands.

Pages are associated with Earth and this page is Fire. So this page is the youthful and immature characteristics of fire.

Pages typically are children or messages.

This page is a free - spirited child; energetic, outgoing, and demands attention.

As a messenger, a bringer of news.

So if the Page of Wands comes up in a reading, it could be a child or a message associated with the fire aspects.

Please add yours, and get ready to share your views on the rest of the court. Also, as we go through this thread, I will add specific examples of reading the card. Probably in 3 card mock readings.

Also, should we continue with the wands or go on to the other pages first?


Let's compare all of the pages.


Sinduction said:
Also, should we continue with the wands or go on to the other pages first?

Great idea, thanks.
I read the page of wands as a message; really do not read it as anything else, funny enough.
Let's do all pages first, so that if people want to compare/contrast them it will be easier. Just my opinion, of course.:)


Ok, I'm just going to jump right in here. As I said in another thread, I haven't been reading long, and I tend to end up with silly sayings in my head when I look at some of the cards. I have only used the International Icon Tarot so far so that may have something to do with it. (No set facial expressions and an over active imagination.) :D

Page of Wands-- "Behold! A stick." (in the desert) I'd have to say a message also. You're walking along, minding your own business, and there it is.

Page of Cups-- He's leaned over talking to the fish. "Nice fishy. Will you be my friend?" So, communication, I think. At least that's the way it looked the only time it ever came up in a reading for me.

Page of Swords-- "Wow! I have a sword. Now what do I do with it?" And swords are related to the intellect. So it seems like maybe he stumbled across a new idea (the sword) and latched on to it, but it's not fully formed, and he doesn't know where to take it from there.

Page of Pentacles-- "Oooh! Pretty balloon!" That is the only one I can actually see as a child. Otherwise, I'm not sure what the whole balloon thing is about. :confused:

So that is my take on things so far.

The crowned one

Court cards are a weak link in tarot as far as I am concerned.

Pages I consider as messengers, or can be children, or can be aspects of personality within its suit just coming into development.

Wand page: oops: read the wrong card: intelligent and the dawning of creative energy, way to hasty, likes to start but not finish things.

EDIT: Are we doing all the pages or just one at a time?


I thought one at a time would be easiest.

I do love the "Behold, a stick" & "Look at me, I've got a sword!" that's how I see them too. So how do we further develop that idea into how to read the card?

What is he doing with that stick?


Waite says of the Page of Wands:

He is unknown but faithful, and his tidings are strange. Divinatory Meanings: Dark young man, faithful, a lover, an envoy, a postman. Beside a man, he will bear favourable testimony concerning him. A dangerous rival, if followed by the Page of Cups. Has the chief qualities of his suit. He may signify family intelligence. Reversed: Anecdotes, announcements, evil news. Also indecision and the instability which accompanies it.

He is sometimes described as an opportunity for passion or to act with passion - to jump right in should an opportunity present itself. He maybe advice to overcome a fear and I especially like the Druidcraft depiction of this Page as a Princess standing on an open road about to embark on an adventure. She looks as though she is savouring the moment just before setting off.

This card speaks of doing something original, inventive, creative and new. To believe in yourself, be daring and assertive.


Sorry. Didn't mean to throw anyone off putting them all in there at once. I have been looking at the Pages a lot over the last few days and it just sort of spilled out.


Page of Wands is someone/something that "pokes" you when you least expect it. I often associate this Page with my ex, who comes around out of nowhere and sends me a messages (text/email/IM), just to provoke me into responding. :mad:

This Page is also very impulsive, and he acts before he thinks. He could be someone who has ADHD (attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder)...someone with lots of energy, and nowhere to put it. He can be endearing in his own way, and a bit of charmer, but stick around too long and you'll get a bit annoyed by his poor attention span. He can be fun, definitely, but he's too much of a good thing - like a 5-years old on loads of sugar.

Pages are often immature, but this one is the most immature of them all. He doesn't know when to stop being a pest, but he also has little staying if he pokes and pokes and is ignored, he goes away and pokes elsewhere.

I've also seen this Page to represent a short trip, as well as looking around to meet potential romantic partners--with no goal in mind, but to just try a bit of this or that. After all, he has his older brother, the Knight of Wands to look up to!

When I see this Page, I also think that someone is being...for lack of a better word..."a**y" in his/her behavior, and trying to incite something. He is a sh**-stirrer for sure...and believe me, I've seen the likes of him in action.


The crowned one

GoddessArtemis said:
Page of Wands is someone/something that "pokes" you when you least expect it. I often associate this Page with my ex, who comes around out of nowhere and sends me a messages (text/email/IM), just to provoke me into responding. :mad:

This Page is also very impulsive, and he acts before he thinks. He could be someone who has ADHD (attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder)...someone with lots of energy, and nowhere to put it. He can be endearing in his own way, and a bit of charmer, but stick around too long and you'll get a bit annoyed by his poor attention span. He can be fun, definitely, but he's too much of a good thing - like a 5-years old on loads of sugar.

Pages are often immature, but this one is the most immature of them all. He doesn't know when to stop being a pest, but he also has little staying if he pokes and pokes and is ignored, he goes away and pokes elsewhere.

I've also seen this Page to represent a short trip, as well as looking around to meet potential romantic partners--with no goal in mind, but to just try a bit of this or that. After all, he has his older brother, the Knight of Wands to look up to!

When I see this Page, I also think that someone is being...for lack of a better word..."a**y" in his/her behavior, and trying to incite something. He is a sh**-stirrer for sure...and believe me, I've seen the likes of him in action.


A lot of this seems to be him reversed, in a nut shell disrupted communication.