Das Lied der Rohrigen - ace disks


Ace of Disks

Together with the Three of Cups, which I addressed in my previous contribution, I drew the Ace of Disks.

This card is supposed to be an affirmation of inner and outer wealth. The greatest card of fortune, among the Minors, which bodes success and recognition.

The person in the card has climbed to the top of the mountain, and, albeit alone, is bathed in the light that bursts forth from the firmament. Embedded in the rock is the solid and perfect foundation of his wealth, yet he doesn't appear to be dwelling on his material acquisitions.

His body language doesn't suggest pomposity or hubris. He seems more concerned with the radiance that I interpret as spirituality. He may have attained the summit, which affords him a view to the horizon of what lies beyond the mountain he stands on, but, I think, he is cognizant of the fact that his having done so was not by his efforts alone. He understands the balance that lies behind his wealth.

Does this card then suggest that however wealthy and successful we become in the material world, we must not neglect our spirituality, or forget what we owe spirit and the universe?

The fact that the distant mountains are covered in snow and ice, and that the person is wearing what looks like a winter jacket, may suggest that the road to great succes is not always easy; that "being at the top", where the metaphorical air is rarefied, could be a lonely and cold experience, were it not for the presence of our higher self, guiding and making us whole.

I look forward to reading your interpretations. :)


Hi there,

This is quite an expressive card in many ways. Why do people climb mountains? To prove that they can, for a sense of achievement, to explore, to gain recognition and success. The ace symbolises the point of origin, a new start, the beginning of a journey, a journey into the unknown? There is that one solitary star which outshines all the others and draws us towards it, a goal? A pathway to success, hope, aspiration.

I like the feel of vastness in this card. If I went to a mountain, climbed to its summit and stood and looked at the sky on a clear night, just imagine the awesome feeling that would create. The space and enormity, and the freshness of the air would be a reminder to me that true abundance and wealth does not come from material possessions and success but from an appreciation of the Earth in its most natural form. The fact that the disk is buried inside the mountain is a reminder not only of the Earths wealth but of internal as well as external success. That said, the whole world is there for the taking, you can do whatever you want to if you put your mind to it.

This card also brings other things to mind, for example promotion, climbing to success, a good outlook and a reminder to focus on your goal and what it is you want to achieve.

J :)



How do you measure prosperity? Or power? Or success?

Well this successful man stands at the pinacle of a mountain. A single star above his head illuminates him against the night sky. He can go no further, he is at his peak. The solid rock of the mountain contrasts with the pure white snow surrounding it showing that he has broken through.

We think of pentacles or disks as applying to wealth and materialism. Which brings me to think of this card as a material force. The way the hard, rocky ground has pushed it's way up through the earth (through the snow) and the force and effort and will involved in doing that. The same effort and will is used for success, whether of weatlth and business or our conscious or real life.

The disk itself is a metal sphere, buried in the side of the mountain. Metals and therefore wealth is buried until it is found, mined and used to multiply. Then it is measured.


Incredible insights, Jewel-ry and Moonbow*!

I love your idea about the measuring of prosperity, and the fact that the world is there for the taking if we know how, and, perhaps also, if we approach it all with the necessary 'reverance'!

Thank you both. It is wonderful to be able to learn from you. :D



Some excellent insights here. I am hoping to learn more from others. I did a meditation on this card this morning. Pleased to discover some deeper cuts here!

My take on this Ace:

"Aces are new beginnings. This ace is enormous good fortune, one of the top "lucky" cards in the minor arcana for Rohrig. Disks are the earth element, this card depicts a summit, and physical ascent.

Internal and external success are connoted, the star conveys a sense of clarity.

As an image, this is one of the best depictions of the idea of unseen forces making physical reality work. We feel as if the disk revealed is inside this stone summit, and we have discovered it through the artists vision. It certainly hums, giving a feeling of security and mystery.

From a mountain summit, the card invites us to take that slightly removed, just detached overview of our lives. Where do we want the coming year to take us?"

Reading the above posts, I enjoy the insight of achievement without excessive ego. The figure contemplating life at the summit is not dancing a victory jig, merely observing and contemplating for a time from a high perspective. A diving into further creation is coming.


A coincidence! I just tried posting in your blog about this card but it seemed to want my profile so I chickened out. The Rohrig is really an excellent deck to study, I had fun with this a few years ago. Enjoy!


Thanks, Moonbow!

I expect to gain much from your writing here.

An Ace Image attached, for good luck!


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