Deck of the Week Group - Oracle Readings Journal

Glass Owl

This thread is for members of the Deck of the Week group to post readings (other than Daily Draws) with their chosen oracle decks or readings with spreads offered specifically by Deck of the Week members. No feedback or commentary on the spreads/readings is required. If you would like comments or assistance with your reading please post it separately and not in this thread.

Deck of the Week Group
Each week (on a Saturday) participates pick a new deck to work with exclusively for the week. The weekly sign up thread for this group may be found in the Talking Tarot forum.

Rose Lalonde

Russian 150th Anniv. playing cards

Thanks for the thread, Glass Owl.

Q: What helpful qualities can I bring to our decisions about the move?

Spread: emotions/feeling---body/doing---thoughts/planning
4 -- 2 -- J

No suit in the majority. Spades/Fall/Earth/Harvest & Work not included, which points to the fact that we're both still dragging our heels about committing our free time. Emotionally I'm ambivalent, torn between things as they are here and things as they might be, which isn't a helpful quality, but it would be helpful to resolve that. 2 of hearts in the central position highlights how much I need to keep K's needs at the forefront, since I feel less strongly about the move than K does, and given how important it is to me that K is content with work and living arrangements too. The Jack of clubs brings thoughts about change and the possibility of a total transformation, which worries the pessimist in me but could be a positive change. The 2 in the doing position seems most important; decisions need to work for both of us. Remembering that can help me put the 4 behind me and try to keep my cool and my optimism when faced with the J.


Wisdom in the House of Night

I did the Charlotte spread (found on the blog "78 Whispers in my Ear" to see how my week would play out. It's a 3 card spread, and the positions are"
1. something to think about
2. something to do
3. something to love

So I focused on the week ahead:

something to think about- Complicated
- I have a lot going on this week, especially to get ready to move. How can I make my life simpler? Is there any way to make this move less stressful? Or do I need to realize that sometimes life is complicated, and I just need to ride it out?

something to do- Cycles
- Have patience. Realize that things worth having are worth waiting for, and worth working for as well. Focus on the "now" because it will be the past before I know it.

something to love- Meditation
- This week would be a great week to meditate! I need that time away to gain clarification, to pull focus. Don't neglect that time just because there's a lot going on.


Les Vampires Oracle

On Sunday I decided to try the Byzantine Cross Spread included with the guidebook for this deck. The spread is made up of six cards, and I did not pull any reversals.

Right now I am at a place in my life where I am trying to figure out who and what I want to be. I'm looking for structure, stability, and a sense of community.

2. What is inhibiting you: COMPASSION
I have a lot of healing to do in regards to self-love. I still blame myself for things that have happened to me in the past, and I spend a lot of time dwelling on "what ifs". I need to be honest and kind to myself before I can reach out to others. I need to forgive.

3. Your past: PREY
I recently came out of a depressive episode. I felt like I was being consumed by a dark shadow. I was, quite literally, prey to my own anxieties.

4. Your present: FREE WILL
Right now I'm looking to reclaim my identity and my sense of freedom. Now that I'm healthy again I want to try new things, meet new people, and make up for all the time and opportunities I missed. I'm also taking on more responsibility.

According to the guidebook, this card either speaks of the ending or the beginning of a difficult time of growth. I'm hoping for the former, but I'll have to revisit this card in a few months after certain events play out.

6. What to strive for: HUNTER
I have to take personal power back for myself. I need to take risks, to put myself out there if I want to succeed. I have to be aggressive and focused. I need to be rooted in my sense of self. I want to make sure that the next time a depressive episode happens I'm prepared.

This spread was very rich and the cards flowed together beautifully. The message was empowering, and I was excited to draw so many parallels between the images. The dichotomy between Hunter and Prey was especially powerful, and I definitely want to revisit these cards to do more journaling in the future.


Oracle of Shadows

This deck doesn't come with any recommended spreads, so I made this one up.

Moving in the Shadows (Current Situation) / Transformation
Just like the "Death" card in Tarot, this card points to what I already know. Many things in my life are long overdue for a change. The old ways, habits, and methods of coping are no longer serving me; it is time to move on. The image shows that my old self is dead, and the Angel of Death is giving me the kiss of new life, the catalyst for change.

Hiding in the Darkness (Hidden Obstacles) / Mystery
Whenever a change is in the works, an underlying obstacle for me is fear of the unknown. What lies behind those doors and windows? How will I find the courage necessary to move forward?

Stepping into Sunlight (Advice for moving forward) / Play
I need to stop taking things so seriously. I need to remember what it felt like to be youthful, believing that anything is possible and approaching situations with a childlike sense of confident knowingness that everything will work out as it should.


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This deck doesn't come with any recommended spreads, so I made this one up.

Moving in the Shadows (Current Situation) / Transformation
Just like the "Death" card in Tarot, this card points to what I already know. Many things in my life are long overdue for a change. The old ways, habits, and methods of coping are no longer serving me; it is time to move on. The image shows that my old self is dead, and the Angel of Death is giving me the kiss of new life, the catalyst for change.

Hiding in the Darkness (Hidden Obstacles) / Mystery
Whenever a change is in the works, an underlying obstacle for me is fear of the unknown. What lies behind those doors and windows? How will I find the courage necessary to move forward?

Stepping into Sunlight (Advice for moving forward) / Play
I need to stop taking things so seriously. I need to remember what it felt like to be youthful, believing that anything is possible and approaching situations with a childlike sense of confident knowingness that everything will work out as it should.
thank you for this spread, I will try it!