Deck Personality

Pythagoras 1/10

Hey y'all, I was wandering, how would some of you describe the personality of some of you/r decks.

For example, I would describe the thoth as to the point and honest. Although, it does have a tendency to be slightly veiled as to the deeper meaning of things, almost as though it is encouraging you further along a forest road: the forest becomes lusher but the path becomes harder to follow. It's character, to me, is well balanced, at no point does it seem angry or catastrophically soppy which can be a problem with some of the 'new'er' decks. Their overwhelming positivism sometime makes me want to superglue a horn unto a horse! (most definitely a sign of madness lol).

I would love to hear your view on some of you favorite, or indeed most hated decks. Really just for fun to see how people see things differently from one another. Thanks for reading!


I'll give it a try!

I love toying around with the idea of "deck personalities" :) I often pointedly ask decks questions, just toward them, during the course of a reading session. It's a very interesting practice.

I have a few favorite decks, and the Deviant Moon has the strongest personality in my experience. The DM is extremely sharp and focused, and has a dry, blunt sense of humor. I feel a bit of playful wickedness coming from the cards, but that only makes them feel all the more like old friends.

My Rider-Waite-Smith deck seems to be very attached to me and "supportive" in readings, always positive and encouraging. The Joie de Vivre deck is playful and cunning, but in a cuter way than the Deviant Moon. Lastly, my Steampunk is poised and eccentric, and likes to have fun with the meaning of things. Kind of like that arty, nerdy sort of friend.

And my Thoth deck is exactly as you described yours, truly!


i'm not sure whether i would use the word "personality" but each deck has what i refer to its own "feel". when i do readings, i usually try to select the deck that feels right for the reading. for example, the zerner-farber feels romantic, so i may use it for love-relationship readings. i wouldn't choose the hermetic tarot for that! however, that deck feels right for weighty spiritual questions. i would be reluctant to use that deck for anything that feels a bit on the frivolous side, i can just SEE it frown :) the tarot of eden has a bit of a fashiony feel for me; i used it the other day for a reading for someone who is working in media. then there is the daughters of the moon, one of my all-time favourites. its hippy-witchy-feminist bent feels like a comfortable dress. then there are a few decks i own which i really don't get - the dante, the new century and the tarot of the trees. it's like one of those coworkers that you just don't click with. but i have hopes - i felt that way towards the langustl for quite a while, and we're finally getting better acquainted.

Pythagoras 1/10

Rider-Waite-Smith deck seems to be very attached to me and "supportive" in readings, always positive and encouraging.

I get the exact same feeling from the RWS as you do. But, if I dare say, is seems like a close uncle. Always their for you, but not as fun as the crazy uncle who blows into ton once a year with a new girlfriend and got you drink as a kid!

As for the hermetic tarot, I don't really click with it. I get a muddles confused feeling from it. It's a real fight to get a good reading. I know a lot of people love this deck, and I thought I would as well, but it just didn't. I'm even struggling to describe the feeling I get from it lol.


Hey y'all, I was wandering, how would some of you describe the personality of some of you/r decks.

I don't think decks have personalities. I think decks have artistic styles. And *I* react differently to different artistic styles. It's in me, not the decks.