Determining Attraction


A post in "Using Tarot" made me think of this spread. I use it a lot. :)

The “Determining Attraction” Spread

Is So-&-So attracted to me? I want to ask this question all the time. The yes/no aspect can drive ya batty (my cards rebel...don't know about yours...but they want to say so much more than a simple YES or NO... probably because they hang around a chatty cathy like me all day), so I had to invent a Spread.

It’s a quickie and works well for me. (Says a gal who dates a lot and uses it religiously---but take that with as little or as much heft as you will.)

P.S. It does not determine relationship potential, in my experience. Or, at least, it isn’t meant to, intrinsically.

Here we go…

1.) What quality is So-&-So attracted to (in general, not in you)?
2.) How does So-&-So view me physically?
3.) How does So-&-So view my personality?
4.) What would So-&-So think of being on a date with me?*
5.) Advice on how to be most attractive to So-&-So?

When I throw it, it looks like:


Barbaras Ahajusts


1.) What quality is So-&-So attracted to (in general, not in you)?
2.) How does So-&-So view me physically?
3.) How does So-&-So view my personality?
4.) What would So-&-So think of being on a date with me?*
5.) Advice on how to be most attractive to So-&-So?

When I throw it, it looks like:


Oh, I do so like this spread. I did it really quick on a couple and thats the first time in ages I pulled the Devil for #4/a date! I like this one!

Its a keeper!


Wow this spead is amazing.......just what I was looking for.

Thanks for sharing


That's such a good spread! Very useful indeed! Thanks!


Glad y'all found it useful. :)

Sonia Doris

Great spread, I only found it now, but I've added it in my spread notebook immediately.

Thanks, berrieh!!!


well...I tried it! :) someone want to Give me what they get from this??lol
1-3 of swords
2-6 of swords
3-9 of wands
4-2 of pentacles
5-4 of wands


I'm liking this!


Ok, very awesome spread! (Found through Google!)

"1.) What quality is So-&-So attracted to (in general, not in you)?
2.) How does So-&-So view me physically?
3.) How does So-&-So view my personality?
4.) What would So-&-So think of being on a date with me?*
5.) Advice on how to be most attractive to So-&-So?"

1.) 5 of wands....competition, pursuit? (makes sense!)

2. The Lovers....attraction...enough said

3. King of Pentacles ... stable, hard-working, supportive (makes sense in the workplace)

4.) Ace of Wands ... enthusiasm, high energy (always seen this one as a phallic symbol, Anyways, this definitely is how I feel we both interact in the workplace.

5.) 10 of Swords....?!? Clarifiers: The Fool...clarifier Nine of Cups

I guess I read the 10 of Swords that I shouldn't attempt to be more attractive to him as it appears he may not have a lot of restrain. A relationship with him isn't appropriate right now, but may be in the 10 of Swords makes sense!