Does anyone else have a problem with the meanings for Sacred Circle?


Hey, don't get me wrong, I love & use the deck. But those meanings! They *really* wanna blame you up & down for every little thing that's happened to you since you were born, *including* the fact *that* you were born!! That's how they read to me, anyway. A real stance of blame-the-querent. And in such terms!! Well, I've had my rant - anyone wanna chime in? (It's a shame with such a beauty of a deck!)


I never noticed, guess I have never used the book for looking up meanings LOL. Once I got used to the renumbering and renaming of the majors, I have only used the book for the description of what there is to see in the cards - for example, in the minors, the scenery in the background that is chosen to fit in with the meaning somehow, herbs and plants surrounding the pips, etc.
The images in the cards don't look negative to me, so I just applied the meaning to them I already had of the cards from other decks. I have not needed the book much to look up meanings. I had intended to read some more in the book on background information etc, but I haven't done that yet. I use this deck mostly intuitively, and only use the book when I am curious why certain images were chosen for the cards.


I blame the publisher, it seems the first logical target.


That's what *I* thought. I am an unfortunate person, BTW, in that I need to look at the meanings to any new deck because they are so singular & unique that I need to understand what the creators were thinking; I jump off with what I think of next. It's especially true with a real departure of a deck from your RWS like The Sacred Circle; there is so much that isn't standard, I feel the need to look into the creators' head/s first. The closer it is to standard, the less I need to look; but although I've been reading for a long time, it has only been sporadically, & I was never able to set up for myself; it's only been *here* that I have had *real*, regular practice. But this is another board, I suppose! Anyway, the meanings are so harsh in this book I wind up amending it all anyway... Yeah, I wonder if it's Llewellyn, what, they *asked* for this? I wonder... Anyhow, that's my rant. Onwards! :D