Does anyone have a spread along these lines...?


Hi everyone :)
just wondering if any of you guys has a good spread for when you need answers about another person, like if you want to know what sort of person they are, how they think of you, if they would be a good match for you to start a relationship with... things like that, any help would be great :)


Hey Krieg,

You should go and check out the Forum Spread Index. There is numerous spreads along those lines that would probably be the perfect match. Its right up top when you come into the tarot spread forum.



is that where i click on 'learn' at the top, then on 'spreads'..? ive had a look on there but couldn't really find what i was looking for....


Nope... Right when you get into this part of the Forum... You will see your thread and then at the very top of the thread there is a forum spread index. Just click on it and it will bring up on the spreads that have ever been created on the Forum and they are all divided up into different catogories.



ah sorry, i see where u mean now, thanx for that.