Dragon Tarot -- Two of Coins

G Dren

Dragon Tarot by Peter Pracownik

From the Little White Book

This suit represents the Earth element, which shows material and financial conditions. In the ordinary playing cards, it is shown as Diamonds.

Two of Coins – Same line of work, in a different place.
On this card we have two dragons facing one another between two trees. The Darker Green Drake is to your left, whereas the lighter (Paler) green Drake is to your right. Each one holds a pentacle, the darker has it in his right, and the lighter has it in her left. Their tails touch on the ground; directly between the bases of the two trees. The background is a pale yellowish green, and there are seven stars about the lighter Drake.

On this Card I see 2 hearts; the Drakes heads and neck make one and the other is in the base of the tree to your right- This tree also shows a circle with a node or bump at the top. These Drakes are the same ones that pull the Chariot. The darker Drake has orange on his wings which is symbolic of male energy.

G Dren


Hearts: = Located in 2 places; the dragons create one heart, and in the tree below the lighter green drakes’ tail. Just above a circle near the base of that tree. This is an indirect reference to the Lovers, Arcanum 6. Instead of needing to be more intertwined to one another (insecure); they give one another space they need in order for each to flourish, grow, and blossom into their true self.

Two Drakes: = Here we have a direct reference to the same 2 dragons pulling the Chariot; only here it represents more clarity and focus on 1 idea and strategy – As opposed to 81 scattered strategies, and ideas. The other idea here is that these Drakes have broken away from their Master (Golden Drake/Job), seeking same line of work in a different place.

Stars: = 7 stars are about the paler Drake. This is a reference to the 7 planets of ancient astronomy.

Binaries: = Two Dragon; Two Trees; Two Hearts; These are the binaries representing fatalism (Fate), and will. One keeps the other in balance at all times.

Circle: = In the base of the trunk of the tree next to the pale Drake is a circle with a lump at the upper portion. This is the representation of the full Moon in the arms of the new Moon. It is an allusion to the changing phases of the moon – Changing though predictable cycle in nature.

Reversed: = Just be sure you are not simply narrowing several small projects into one project, due to complacency with one project, aim, or goal. You might need to gain control over your ever changing moods, hostility, emotional instability, or simply put down those excessive plans.