Dream about dying....


Been having these dreams, that are starting to become unreal in a sense. I would like to know if you guys have any insights for me.

For three nights now I have dream that my husband been trying to kill me. First night he tried to drown me in a pool, but let go and said "sorry". Second night, he tried to run me over with a car. Finally last night, he tied me to a chair, I was feeding me, acid.. My whole bottom part of my face was gone, he started to pour it around the room, then set it on fire.

What is going in my dreams??


Stardancer, is there something new you might like to try or become involved in - such as going back to school, meeting new friends, investigating a new spiritual path, or something as simple as getting a pet - that your husband would frown upon? I am wondering if there is a part of you that feels like is being "killed" because you can't explore or experience new adventures as you would like.


Oh my goodness, you have touch on some points that are going on in my life right now. Like wanting to go to school and trying to find different tarot decks and spreads.. wow thanks for clearing that up for me