Dream analysis


Are there any people here that do dream analysis?
I've had two dreams this week I'd wish to share, right now it's 130am, so will post tomorrow, but am interested in knowing how you go about analysing.
Love and Light,


Kismet said:
*A* Are there any people here that do dream analysis?
*B*... but am interested in knowing how you go about analysing.
Love and Light,

*A* figuring out dreams is one of my favorite hobbies
*B* see niah's my strange dream thread


Thanks Lunalafey!
I'd like to learn how to do such for myself but sometimes when one is having the dream it is hard to decide what it means rather than make it what you wish it to be. : )
My first dream was the begining of this week, it was of my boyfriend. For some reason I was at my ex inlaws and he was still alive but missing, I *think* I was dreaming I found out he was really still alive. Then I was at my boyfriend and my former landlord's for some unknown reason. I somehow tracked him down and he was at a bus station, he looked so sickly and unkept. He told me he was going to NY (he was from NY, I live in TN). I asked if he had told a friend of his he was coming that he would want to know and see him, he said yes. That is all I recall of that dream.
The 2nd dream is even odder. Lunalafey, I'll pm you on this one as I don't wish it censored :)
Love and Light,



kisment the dream is telling he has returned home finally and is no longer attched to the earth plane.
1. he was missing,
he can't be found on the earthplane
2 he was really still alive
yes we never die.
3 you were looking for him. and you found him just as he was about to leave (bus)
4. returnto ny where he was from
the guides told me that he has returned to his spiritual home.
and low and behold all his friends and family that have passed on will be there to greet him.
5. next time he comes to visit you he will look healthy and bright


HOLMES, You were exactly right! The next dream I had was amazing, he even laughed in it!!!!
Love and Light,