Dream: Dead and burying


My friend sees this dream quite often

That he's seeing himself dead... and burying himself.

He sees himself being buried and all... any idea?


PS: by the way... he also thinks he will not live long. he says he sees weird dreams... and even saw the "king of Saudi Arabia passing"... one day before he died.
And he has a black cat... that is weird to say the least.


Well, you do not send many details. It is hard to say without.
However, if you were to relate it to the Death card in Tarot it would mean a new beginning of some kind. Even if you do physically die to this plane then it is a new beginning, hopefully, elsewhere.

If he is really dreading and loathing something in his awake life it could account for dreams like that as well. What does he do for a living ? It could also be anxiety dreams. It is hard to say without knowing more.


and...I was thinking that maybe there's parts of his
personality transforming...he is burying parts of his
past and developing a more mature personality???

I agree with memries also.



OH my goddess... :)

You are like so right... Damn you people are better than any "media hyped shrinks... like Dr. Phill"

He he he... Thanks "ros" and "memris" :) you just said what was in my mind.

Maybe he's burying something (from past) and is moving on

He designs jewelry and (the big thing) he is going abroad to work... maybe it's anxiety or something.

Well he was adopted by his parents... and his adopted father died when he was small.

His mom brought him amidst many hard ships... and he blames himself!! "maybe my mom wouldn't have gone thru all hardship... i was not there. You know She never married!!"

Thanks... again!!!