Dream interpretation


Lately, I've been trying to remember my dreams,so I can write them down and interpret them.

This is a part of a dream that I can remember.
I was still in school, living at my mom's. I was getting ready for school, but I was taking my time, and yet I felt like I was rushing. I was yelling at my mom or her current boyfriend(whom I've never seen or met in real life) to take me to school, but I still wasn't done getting ready. The time went by ungodly fast, and a couple of hours passed.

Finally, we got to school, I saw that all my classmates were out in the gym field , class has started.

I think this has to do with me wanting to rush, to get my life started. I'm trying too much, and I feel that time has past me by so fast that I feel that everyone else around me is moving on with theirs.

Any other interpretations welcome, since I'm in the learning process :D


Perhaps you've just realized how much time has slipped by.

Worried about age?


re-pete-a said:
Perhaps you've just realized how much time has slipped by.

Worried about age?

I'm 20, about to be 21, i feel like i don't have enough time to do all the things i want, and plus i have to wait, because my husband is in the army, but I did a reading of my tarot cards, and it said soon things will start happening, which i think pertains to me moving back to our hometown to get things set up when he gets home from deployment.


So there you go, all sorted , good.